December 2023/January 2024 Release Notes

The following list of updates and bug fixes are included in the latest Sprint 23.12 release to the FEWS NET Data Platform.

New Features

Humanitarian Food Assistance Domain in FDE (DATA-3037)

A new Humanitarian Food Assistance (HFA) domain was created in FDE in preparation for allowing users to extract HFA data.


Updates to FDW Dashboards and Visualizations

Conflict Map

  • The Conflict Map was updated to work for non-FEWS NET countries (DATA-3246)

  • Various improvements were made to the functionality and UX of the Conflict Map (DATA 3259), including:

    • New parameters selected_data_layers and selected_base_layers allow a user to define what layers will be available on the map.

    • New parameters default_data_layer and default_base_layer define the layers that are shown when map loads.

    • Users can hide conflict types by clicking on the legend item.

    • Users can select one or more country and region.

Ability to filter by product group in Crop Production Dashboard and Spatial/Crop Coverage Map (DATA-3245)

Users can now filter products in the Crop Production Dashboard and Spatial Crop Coverage map by a single product (i.e., R01122AB) as well as a product group (i.e., R01122).

Make Data Inventory Dashboard responsive on smaller screens (DATA-3352)

Adjusted the max-width of charts and adjusted font sizes of the Data Inventory Dashboard in FDW to improve the responsiveness of the dashboard for smaller screens.

Add crop tour forms to Crop Assessment Dashboard (DATA-3401)

Two additional forms were added to the Crop Assessment Dashboard in FDW; users can filter by each form when using the dashboard.

Ingest scientific publications into FDW database (DATA-3107)

A new pipeline periodically imports metadata for scientific publications that have been produced by FEWS NET funded projects from a Google Sheet into FDW.

Bug Fixes

Remove Layer Delete Checkbox (DATA-3315)

Removed the Delete? checkbox from the geographic unit set version admin screen in FDW to prevent users from unknowingly deleting all data associated with the selected layer.

FDE Bug Fixes

Bug fixes for the FEWS NET Data Explorer were completed through the following tickets:

  • Users who create a dataset in FDE with the same name as an existing dataset will receive an error indicating that a dataset with this name already exists. (DATA-3172)

  • Corrected an issue where the API link for the Crop domain in FDE was not available after results are returned. Users can now copy the link as expected. (DATA-3265)

  • Fixed an issue where results would not return as expected for certain combinations of markets in the FDE Prices domain. The API was adjusted to ensure that selecting any combination of markets would yield the available data series. (DATA-3281)