March 2024 Release Notes

The following list of new features, updates and bug fixes are included in the latest Sprint 24.03 release to the FEWS NET Data Platform.

New Features

Add heat exposure layer to the Key Drivers Map (DATA-3628)

A new choropleth heat exposure layer was added to the Key Drivers Map available from the FDW API. As part of this work:

  • If the user specifies selected_data_layers=NO_DATA the map will only display the base layers. The base layer dropdown and time slider are not included.

  • If no country or region is selected, the map will display global view.

South Sudan Market Price Pipeline (DATA-2952)

Implemented a new data pipeline from the South Sudan Market Price Kobo form to FDW.


Check population sources are returned by the metadata endpoint and displayed in FDE (DATA-3234)

Completed a check to ensure any endpoints that include population data also include the population source. The Spatial data sources and Population details are now included.

Add new domain descriptions to FDE (DATA-3469)

Short descriptions were added to the headers of the FDE domain pages to provide context for users.

Improve hover behavior in non-clickable FDE tables (DATA-3483)

Created UI updates to distinguish between clickable and non-clickable table rows. Non-clickable tables now have a separate background color and uses an arrow cursor instead of a hand.

Add hover behavior to FDE HFA domain icon (DATA-3515)

The HFA domain icon in the domain selection sidebar now turns green upon hover to match the other domain icons.

FDE Deep links for Population, Crop and HFA domains (DATA-3561)

Updated the deep link functionality for FDE to include the Population, Crop, and HFA domains.

Add new forms to crop tour dashboard (DATA-3570)

The Crop Tour Research Questions and Crop Type Stage and Condition forms were added to the Crop Assessment Dashboard in FDW.

Add extra field to data collection model (DATA-3580)

An extra field was added to capture additional attributes submitted with data collections uploaded to FDW.

FDE Spatial Domain Updates

  • Re-titled the "As of Date" field in the FDE Spatial domain to "Results Valid on Date" to help users understand its purpose more easily. (DATA-3456)

  • Re-titled the "Geographic" field of the FDE Spatial Domain Search and Filter header as "Country" to reflect that only countries are displayed (DATA-3451)

  • Organized the “Unit Type” filter options into Admin, FSC Units, and Other Units groups (DATA-3454)

  • The Visualize and Export section of the Spatial domain was updated to set the Map tab as the default selection and leftmost tab, based on user experience findings (DATA-3459)


Preview disappears when search parameters are modified for some FDE domains (DATA-3476)

In some FDE domains, adding, resetting, or modifying search parameters was causing the data series previews to disappear until the data series selection is modified. Users can now preview the data series they have selected in FDE regardless of modifications to search parameters.

Problems modifying date selections in FDE (DATA-3588)

Corrections were made to the date picker UI in the search and filter header for FDE domains. Users can now browse and select dates as expected.

Country filter on documents admin page in FDW (DATA-3627)

Changed the country filter on the FDW data source documents admin page to be able to return source documents that do not have any data, in addition to source documents with data series tied to them.

Unable to open commodities R01122AA and R01112A (DATA-3640)

FDW users were unable to open the ClassifiedProduct admin change screen due to the size of the dataseries_list slowing down the page. The data series list has now been moved to a separate page, and a Related Data Series link was added to the admin change screen.