The Responses Domain

The Responses Domain

The Responses domain provides data on the cost and quantity of interventions in a given geographic area by various operators, including aid agencies.

The Responses domain is broken into three sections:

1. Search and Filter

You can search by various criteria including:

  • Data source document: name and organization

  • Data series: name, description, and metadata

Learn more about search functionality in FDE.

You can filter the available data series using one or more of the following criteria:

  • Start date and End date: Filters data series by the period dates of all data points within the series. All data series with at least one data point that has a period date inside the date range will be displayed.

  • Data Series status: Filters data series by active or inactive status. Inactive Data Series have been marked by a data manager as no longer receiving new data. This may be because a change in the way the data is being collected (such as a new source or change in units) warranted starting a new Data Series, or because the data is no longer being collected.

  • Geographic: Filters by location of the response. This filter aggregates items into a multi-level lists (e.g., admin 1 units are aggregated into countries, which are aggregated into regions). Selecting the higher-level item in the list will automatically select all the lower-level items in the list.
    Note: The International category in this filter contains countries not currently monitored by FEWS NET.

  • Indicator: Filers by a metric of interest and allows for meaningful comparisons over time. The indicator options for the Responses domain include options such as Total operation cost and number of beneficiaries.

  • Data Source Document: Filters by the name of the document used as the primary source of information or data.

Searching and/or applying filters creates a savable dataset. For more information on creating and saving datasets, see Create and Save Datasets.

2. Data Selection

Once you have applied your search terms and filters, you will be presented with a list of all available data series that match your criteria. A data series is a collection of related data points from a single data source that are viewable as a single row within a table of data. They represent the change over time of a specific indicator. Data series are presented in table format where each row represents a single data series.

The Responses domain data selection table includes the following columns:

  • Country: The name of the country where the response data was collected.

  • Geographic unit: A geographic area or point such as a portion of a country or other region delineated for a specific purpose, such as an Administrative Unit (Province, District, County, etc.), Livelihood Zone, or Market.

  • Operator: The organization that delivered the intervention.

  • Operation type: The type of intervention (i.e., Emergency or Development).

  • Indicator: Metric of interest that allows for meaningful comparisons over time. The indicator options for the Responses domain include options such as Total operation cost and number of beneficiaries.

  • First collection date: Period date for the first collection/reporting period in the data series.

  • Last collection date: Period date for the last collection/reporting period in the data series.

  • Data Point count: The number of data points in the data series.

  • Info: Hover over the information icon in a row to see more details including the data series ID, data source document, and data usage policy.

To visualize and export data, you will need to select one or more data series by checking the box at the beginning of the row containing that series.

In addition to selecting data series, you can interact with the data selection table in the following ways:

  • Selected data series can be viewed in the Selected tab.

  • You can clear your selections using the Clear Selection button.

  • By default the series are ordered alphabetically by country. You can click on the header of any column to sort by that column instead of by country.

Selecting one or more data series creates a savable dataset. For more information on creating and saving datasets, see Create and Save Datasets.

3. Data Visualization and Export


The Responses domain currently includes a Table visualization.

If you have selected dates in the filter section, this table will only contain data points with an associated period date within the specified date range. Data points within the selected data series with a period date outside of the specified date range will not be displayed.


Customization options within the Reponses domain allow for aggregation or conversion of the data. The available parameters are:

  • Reporting Schedule: Provides reporting options on a daily, weekly, monthly, quarterly and annual basis. The default reporting schedule is monthly.


The Reponses domain includes the following options:

  • File format: Choose from one of the available file formats. This will apply to both downloads and refreshable links.

  • Download: Provides a download of a static dataset. This will export only the data series that you have selected.

  • Copy link: Copies a refreshable link that connects directly to the FEWS NET Data Warehouse database server, allowing Excel, your browser, or another application to automatically fetch data from the server whenever the link is accessed.

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