Crop Data Submission Process

FEWS NET curates and maintains a centralized repository of subnational crop production data that is stored in the FEWS NET Data Warehouse (FDW) and made accessible to the public through the FEWS NET Data Explorer (FDE).

Organizations and individuals are welcome to submit crop data for inclusion in the FDW. You will be credited for your submission in the FDW and in all extracts of the data that you submit. 

To check if the data you intend to submit is already available through FEWS NET, search the Crop Domain in the FDE.

Preferred data formats are the original PDFs of data or digital files in their original format. Processed or reformatted data will be evaluated on a case-by-case basis to determine if it is acceptable, but is not preferred.

To begin the data submission process, complete the FEWS NET Help Desk data submission form.

In the Helpdesk form, you will upload the files and provide the following information: 

  1. Source Organization:
    [Give the name of the organization responsible for collecting and publishing the data.]

  2. Information Source:
    [If you are not submitting a Source Document, please specify where the information was found (e.g., website, database, report). Include any relevant URLs or references.]

  3. Data Permissions:
    [Indicate if the data is in the public domain or if there are specific sharing permissions. If specific permissions are required, please describe them.]

  4. Data Submission:
    [Specify whether you are submitting all of the data or just a subset. If only a subset, describe which part of the data is to be included.]

  5. Data Compiler:
    [Provide the name of the person or team who compiled this submission.]

  6. Attribution:
    [Specify how you would like your submission to be credited, including any required citation format or acknowledgments.]

  7. Additional Notes:
    [Include any additional information or context relevant to the data submission.]

Following your submission, you will receive an email from confirming the creation of a Help Desk ticket to help manage your communications and submission of your data. You may respond to that email with further questions and inquiries about your data submission. 

The process for data upload will begin with data being extracted from its Source Document and compared with data already stored in the Crop Domain of the FDW. New data, or data which differs from existing holdings, will be prepared for upload.

Depending upon any issues the data may present, you may be contacted again for insights you may have. Once resolved, the data will be presented to the Agriculture Data Upload Committee for review, approval, and upload.

This process is expected to take approximately 3 weeks, although the process may be faster or slower depending on the size of the dataset. You will be informed as soon as the data are accessible in the FDE for review and download.