Abbreviations and Acronyms
AAH | Action Against Hunger |
ACDI/VOCA | Agricultural Cooperative Development International and Volunteers in Overseas Cooperative Assistance |
ACF | Action Contre La Faim (also known as AAH) |
ACLED | Armed Conflict Location & Event Data Project |
ACT Alliance | Action by Churches Together (ACT) Alliance |
ACTED | Agency for Technical Cooperation and Development, France |
ACTESA | Alliance for Commodity Trade in Eastern and Southern Africa (a specialized agency of COMESA) |
ADESO | African Development Solutions. Also known as, Horn Relief |
ADRA | Adventist Development and Relief Agency |
AFCONAGRO | Asociación de Fabricantes de Conservas del Agro |
AGRITEX | Agricultural Technical and Extension Services, Zimbabwe |
AKF | Aga Khan Foundation Afghanistan |
AMIS | Agricultural Data Information System |
Agence Nationale des Statistiques Agricoles et Alimentaires | |
APK | Assembly of People of Kazakhstan |
ARC | Afghanistan Resilience Consortium |
Banco de Guatemala | |
BPS | Badan Pusat Statistik, Indonesia |
BRA | Batey Relief Alliance, Dominican Republic |
CAID | Cellule d'Analyses des Indicateurs de Développement |
CAP | Comisión Administradora de Petróleo, Honduras |
CBN | Central Bank of Nigeria |
CCC | Commodity Credit Corporation |
CCSAP/SIG | Cellule technique de Coordination de la Sécurité Alimentaire et Alerte Précoce avec un Système d'Information Géographique, Democratic Republic of Congo |
CDR | Crude Death Rate |
CENDAS/FVM (VES) | El Centro de Documentación y Análisis Social de la Federación Venezolana de Maestros |
CERF | Central Emergency Response Fund |
CES | Conseil Economique et Social du Cameroun |
CliMIS | South Sudan National Bureau of Statistics and Ministry of Agriculture and Food Security |
CMR | Crude Mortality Rate |
CNFA | Cultivating New Frontiers in Agriculture |
CNSA | Coordination Nationale della Securite Alimentaire, Haiti |
COMESA | Common Market for Eastern and Southern Africa |
COP | Colombian Peso |
CPS/SDR | Cellule de Planification et de Statistique du secteur Développement Rural, Mali |
CRC | Costa Rican Colon |
CRS | Catholic Relief Services |
CRS | Creditor Reporting System, under OECD Statistics |
CRS/ECCSDCOA/DPP | Catholic Relief Services/Ethiopian Catholic Church Social and Development Coordinating office of Adigrat/Disaster Prevention Program |
CSA | Central Statistics Agency |
CSA/MRAH | Central Statistics Agency/Ministère des Ressources Animales et Halieutiques, Burkina Faso |
CSO | Central Statistics Office |
CT/SAGSA | Chef Cellule Technique de Suivi et d'Appui à la Gestion de la Sécurité Alimentaire |
CU | Chittagong University |
CWW | Children Without Worms |
DAFF | The Department of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries (in 2019 folded into Department of Agriculture, Land Reform and Rural Development (DALRRD), South Africa |
DALRRD | Department of Agriculture, Land Reform and Rural Development, South Africa |
DANE | The National Administrative Department of Statistics, Colombia |
DAPSA | Direction de l'Analyse, de la Prévision et des Statistiques Agricoles |
DGPSA | Directorate-General of Projection Statistics, Burkina Faso |
DIA | Dutch InterChurch Aid |
DIEA | La Oficina de Estadísticas Agropecuarias, Uruguay |
DIGESTYC | General Office of Statistics and Censuses El Salvador |
DNA | Direction Nationale de l'Agriculture, Mali |
DNSI | Direction Nationale de la Statistique et de l'Informatique, Mali |
DPCI | Directorate of Planning and International Cooperation |
DPFSCO | Disaster Prevention and Food Security Program Coordination Office |
DPFSPCO | Disaster Prevention and Food Security Programme Coordination Office |
DPP | Disaster Prevention Program |
DPPA | Department of Political and Peacebuilding Affairs |
DPPB | Disaster Prevention and Preparedness Bureau |
DPPC | Disaster Prevention and Preparedness Commission, Ethiopia |
DPPCO | Disaster Prevention and Preparedness Commission Office |
DPPO | Disaster Prevention and Preparedness Office |
DRADER | Délégation Régionale de l'Agriculture e du Développement Rural |
Disaster Risk Management and Food Security Sector, Ethiopia | |
DSDI | Directeur de la statistique agricole de la documentation et de l’informatique/Ministère du Développement Rural et de l’Agriculture (Central African Republic) |
DSIA | Direction des Statistiques et de l'Information Agricole au Burundi. |
EAAPDEA | Estadisticas Agropecurias y Analisis de Precios del Departamento de Economia Agropecuria |
EDIM | Enquête Djiboutienne à Indicateurs Multiple |
EGTE | Ethiopian Grain Trade Enterprise |
EIM | Evangelistic International Ministries |
EKHC | Ethiopian Kale Heywet Church |
EMWACDO | Ethiopian Mulu Wengel Amagnoch Church Developmental Organization |
ENCU | The Emergency Nutrition Coordination Unit, Ethiopia |
The Ethiopian Orthodox Tewahedo Church | |
ERCS | Ethiopian Red Cross Society |
ETBC | Ethiopian Trading Business Corporation |
EWRFSS | Early Warning Response and Food Security Sector |
FAMIS | Food & Agriculture Market Information System, Sudan |
FAMIS/FMoA | Food and Agriculture Market Information System/Federal Ministry of Agriculture, Sudan |
FAREI | Food and Agricultural Research and Extension Institute (FAREI) and Statistics Mauritius |
FATA | Federally Administered Tribal Area |
FDPPA | Federal Disaster Prevention and Preparedness Agency, Ethiopia |
FDPPC | Federal Disaster Prevention and Preparedness Commission, Ethiopia |
FFTH or FHI | Food for the Hungry International |
FFTP | Food for the Poor |
FHI or FFTH | Family for the Hungry |
FINCA | Foundation for International Community Assistance |
FIC | Food Insecurity Classification |
FIPE | Food Insecure Population Estimates |
FMARD | Federal Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development |
FMoA&F | Federal Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry, Sudan |
FNID | National Information and Documentation System |
Forex | Foreign Exchange Market |
FS | Food Security |
FSC | Farm Service Center |
Food Security Cluster | |
FSDPP | Food Security, Disaster Prevention and Preparedness |
FSNAU | Food Security and Nutrition Analysis Unit |
FSTS | Food Security Technical Secretariat, Yemen |
GAM | Global Acute Malnutrition |
GAMIS | Gambia Market Information System |
GBoS | Gambia Bureau of Statistics |
Global Information and Early Warning System on Food and Agriculture (Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations | |
GLIM | Global Impact, Inc. |
GoSS | Government of South Sudan |
GTQ | Guatemalan Quetzal |
Stunting - Low Height for Age | |
HFS | Holy Family Sisters |
HNL | Honduran Lempira |
IAPRi | Indaba Agriculture Policy Research Institute, Southern Africa |
ICO | International Coffee Organization |
ICRC | International Committee of the Red Cross |
IFA | Iron-Follic Acid |
IFDC | International Fertilizer Development Center |
IHSI | L'Institut Haïtien de Statistique et d'Informatique |
IMA | Instituto de Mercadeo Agropecuario |
IMC | International Medical Corps |
IMR | Infant Mortality Rate |
INE | Instituto Nacional de Estadística |
INEGI | Instituto Nacional de Estadística y Geografía, México |
INGO | International Non-Governmental Organization |
INIDE | Nicaragua National Institute of Information Development |
INS | Institut National de la Statistique, Guinea |
INSAE | Institut National De La Statistique Et De L'Analyse Économique, Bénin |
INSD | Institut National de la Statistique et de la Démographie, Burkina Faso |
INSEED | Institut National de la Statistique, des Etudes Economiques et Démographiques, Chad |
INSTAT | Institut National de la Statistique (Madagascar) |
IOM | International Organization for Migration |
IPC | Integrated Phase Classification |
International Partnership for Human Development (non-profit) | |
International Relief and Development (Azerbaijan) | |
IRD | Institut de Recherche poul le Développement France |
ISTEEBU | Institut de Statistiques et d’Etudes Economiques du Burundi |
JAM | Joint Aid Management |
KE | Kenya |
KH | Cambodia |
KHC | Kale Heywet Church, Ethiopia |
Kenya National Bureau of Statistics, Kenya | |
KPK | Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Pakistan |
KR | Korean Statistical Information Service |
KSU | King Saud University |
LISGIS | Institute of Statistics & Geo-Information Services, Liberia |
Land O'Lakes International Development | |
LRP | Local and Regional Food Aid Procurement |
LWR | Lutheran World Relief |
MAA | Ministry of Agriculture and Food Security, Mozambique |
MAFC | Ministry of Agriculture, Food Security and Cooperatives, Tanzania |
MAFFS | Ministry of Agriculture Forestry & Food Security, Sierra Leone |
MAG | Ministerio De Agricultura Y Ganadería |
MAGA/DIPLAN | Ministerio de Agricultura, Ganadería y Alimentación- Dirección de Planteamiento, Guatemala |
MAGFOR | Ministerio Agropecuario y Forestal, Nicaragua |
MAHRH | Ministère de l’agriculture, de l’hydraulique et des ressources halieutiques, Government of Burkina Faso |
MAM | Moderate Acute Malnutrition |
MASA | Ministério da Agricultura e Segurança Alimentar, Mozambique |
MCDR | Ministère en Charge du Développement Rural, Central African Republic |
MCI | Ministry of Commerce and Industry, Afghanistan |
MDG | Millennium Development Goals |
MEM | Ministerio de Energía y Minas, Guatemala |
MERA | Malawi Energy Regulatory Authority |
MERLIN | Medical Emergency Relief International |
MFK | Meds & Food for Kids, Haiti |
MIS | Market Information Services |
MLWARR | Ministry of Lands, Water, Agriculture and Rural Resettlement, Zimbabwe |
MNFSR | Ministry of National Food Security & Research, Pakistan |
MOA | Ministry of Agriculture |
MOARD | Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development, Ethiopia |
MOESVT | Ministry Of Education, Science & Vocational Training, Zambia |
MOFA | Ministry of Food and Agriculture, Ghana |
MOFA | Ministry of Food and Agriculture |
MOIP | Mission-oriented innovation policies |
MoPIC | Ministry of Planning and International Cooperation, Yemen |
MRAH | Ministère des Ressources Animales et Halieutiques |
MRD | Ministry of Rural Development, Cabo Verde |
MS | Minstere de la Sante |
Médecins Sans Frontières | |
MT | Amount of Food Commodity |
MUAC | Mid-upper arm circumference |
MY | Marketing Year |
NAERLS | National Agricultural Extension and Research Liaison Services, Nigeria |
NAERLS | National Agricultural Extension Research and Liaison Services of Federal Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development |
NBR | National Bank Rwanda |
NBS | National Bureau of Statistics |
NCA | Norwegian Church Aid |
NCBA | National Cooperative Business Association |
NDMA | National Drought Management Authority, Government of Kenya |
NDRMC | National Disaster Risk Management Commission, Ethiopia |
NIO | Nicaraguan Cordoba |
National Institute of Statistics of Rwanda | |
NPA | Norwegian People's Aid |
NRECA | National Rural Electric Cooperative Association |
NUTS | Nomenclature of Territorial Units for Statistics |
OCPV | L’Office d’aide à la commercialisation des produits vivriers |
Oromia Disaster Prevention Preparedness Committee, Ethiopia | |
OECD | Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development |
OMA | Observatoire du Marche Agricole, Mali |
ONS | National Office of Statistics, Mauritania |
PADF | Pan American Development Foundation |
PCI | Project Concern International |
Percent | |
Partners for Development | |
PSA | Philippine Statistics Authority |
PVO | Private Voluntary Organization |
QWIDS | Query Wizard for International Development Statistics |
RAB | Rwanda Agriculture and Animal Resources Development Board |
RATIN | Regional Agriculture Trade Intelligence Network |
RDPP | The Regional Development and Protection Programme, Ethiopia |
RDPPC | Regional Disaster Prevention and Preparedness Commission |
RENCU | Regional Emergency Nutrition Coordination Unit, Ethiopia |
REST | Relief Society of Tigray, Ethiopia |
REST | The Relief Society of Tigray |
RHB | Regional Health Bureau, Ethiopia |
Relief International | |
ROP | Roots of Peace |
RRP | Regional Refugee Preparedness |
RSA | Republic of South Africa |
SAFEX | South African Futures Exchange |
SAGIS | South African Grain Information Service |
SAM | Severe Acute Malnutrition |
SAP | Système d’Alerte Précoce |
SC | Save The Children |
SC-US | Save the Children USA |
SCF | Save the Children Federation |
SCI | Schistosomiasis Control Initiative |
SCUK/SC-UK | Save The Children United Kingdom |
SCUS/SC-US | Save the Children United States |
SCUSA | Save the Children USA |
SEAF | Small Enterprise Assistance Funds |
SEMA | State Emergency Management Agency, Benin |
SFL | Shelter for Life International |
SGR | Sugar |
SIM | Système d’Information sur les marchés à bétail (Agricultural market information system for Livestock) |
SIM/OCPV | Système d’Information sur les marchés à bétail (Agricultural market information system for Livestock)/L’Office d’aide à la commercialisation des produits vivriers |
SIMA | Sistema de Mercados Agrícolas (Mozambique) |
SIMA | Système d’information sur les marchés agricoles, Niger |
SIMMAGRO/SIMAGRO | Sistema Regional de Inteligencia y Monitoreo de Mercados Agrícolas |
SIMPAH | Sistema de Informacion de Mercados de los Productos Agricolas de Honduras |
SIPAG | Système d’Information sur les Produits Agricoles en Guinée, Guinea |
SIPAN | Sistema de Información para Agronegocios, Panama |
SMART | Social Mobilization, Advocacy, Research and Training |
SNNPR | Southern Nations, Nationalities, and Peoples' Region, Ethiopia |
SNSA | Service National des Statistiques Agricoles, Congo |
SONAGESS | Societe Nationale de Gestion du Stock de Securite Alimentaire/National Society of Food Safety Stock Management, Burkina Faso |
Samaritan's Purse International Relief | |
SRID | Statistics Research and Information Directorate |
SSP | South Sudanese Pound |
STATBEL | Statistics Belgium |
Texas A&M University | |
TDH | Terre des Hommes |
TZ | Tanzania |
U5 | (children) under 5 |
U5MR | Under-Five Mortality Rate |
U5VAC | Measles Vaccination Among Children Under 5 Years |
UBOS | Uganda Bureau of Statistics |
UKRSTAT | State Statistics Service of Ukraine or the State Statistics Committee of Ukraine |
UMCOR | United Methodist Committee on Relief |
UN | United Nations |
UNDP | United Nations Development Programme |
UNDRO | United Nations Disaster Relief Coordinator |
UNFPA | United Nations Population Fund |
UNHCR | United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees |
UNICEF | United Nations Children's Emergency Fund |
UNPBF | United Nations Peacebuilding Fund |
UNTFHS | United Nations Trust Fund for Human Security |
URPE | Unidades Regionales Planificacion y Economia, Dominican Republic |
URTI | Upper Respiratory Infection |
Upper Respiratory Tract Infection | |
USD | United States Dollar |
Under 5 Death Rate Deaths/10,000 Children <5 Years/Day | |
UVG | Universidad del Valle de Guatemala |
VES | Bolivar Soberano |
VRF | Vishnevskaya-Rostropovich Foundation, Azerbaijan |
WAZ | Underweight - Low Weight for Age |
WB | World Bank |
WFI | West Texas Intermediate |
World Health Organization | |
WHZ | A Weight-for-Length/Height Z-Score |
WOCCU | World Council of Credit Unions |
WVE | World Vision Ethiopia |
ZIMSTAT | Zimbabwe National Statistics Agency |
ZWL | Zimbabwean Dollar |