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Central Product Classification version 2 (CPC v2)

A complete product classification by the UN, covering all goods and services

Common item unit

Specifies a non-standard unit of measure to be used for the items of the products in the search results. The available item units include: tray, tubers, cart_load, day, hour, individual item, jerkin, large carton, loaf, medium carton, one way trip (passenger transport by bus), person, small bunch (handful), tuber and week.

Common volume unit

Specifies the unit of measure to be used for the volume of the products in the search results. The available volume units include: bag, barrel, bottle, bunch, bundle, sack, cubic meter, liter, milliliter, million British thermal units, pile, and US liquid gallon.

Common weight unit

Specifies the unit of measure to be used for the weight of the products in the search results. The available weight units include: grams, kilograms, cuartilla, dry metric tonne, hectogram, kantar, media cuartilla, monton, ns malwa, pound, tonne and troy oz.


IPC phase 3 - Households either: - Have food consumption gaps that are reflected by high or above-usual acute malnutrition; OR - Are marginally able to meet minimum food needs but only by depleting essential livelihood assets or through crisis-coping strategies.

Data Management & Storage

The administrative process of acquiring, validating, storing, protecting, and processing required data to ensure the accessibility, reliability and timeliness of the data for its users.

Data series

A data series is a collection of related data points from a single data source that are viewable as a single row within a table of data. They represent the change over time of a specific indicator.


A dataset is a collection of data series.


Within the FEWS NET Data platform, sector components are represented as Domains. A data domain is a logical grouping of data that contains a collection of data series. They are organized to unify and consolidate data, based on metadata consistencies and sector relationships. For example, data on relief needs estimates and actual deliveries are included within the Responses domain.



IPC phase 4 - Households either: - Have large food consumption gaps which are reflected in very high acute malnutrition and excess mortality; OR - Are able to mitigate large food consumption gaps but only by employing emergency livelihood strategies and asset liquidation.

Estimated source document type

Type of source document used for estimates that are usually calculated at the beginning of the season.



IPC phase 5 - Households have an extreme lack of food and/or other basic needs even after full employment of coping strategies. Starvation, death, destitution, and extremely critical acute malnutrition levels are evident. (For Famine Classification, area needs to have extreme critical levels of acute malnutrition and mortality.)

FEWS NET Data Explorer (FDE)

A web application that provides an intuitive front end over the FDW and the data within it, allowing users to browse, filter, and extract data and data sets across multiple Domains.

FEWS NET Data Platform

The FEWS NET Data Platform acts as the central storage location and access portal for data relied upon by FEWS NET and their work in food security and early warning analysis. The Platform is made up of two primary sub-components:

  • The Data Explorer (focused on data access)

  • The Data Warehouse (focused on data storage)

FEWS NET Data Warehouse (FDW)

A web application that is the repository for tabular FEWS NET data, written in the Django application framework to provide a management interface and a Representational State Transfer (REST) Application Programming Interface (API).

Final document type

Type of source document that contains actual data available after the end of the period. All historical data series fall under the final document type.

Food Security

Food and nutrition security is achieved when adequate, safe, and nutritious food is available, accessible to, and well utilized by all individuals at all times to support a healthy and productive life.

Geographic Unit



May be national or sub-national, and may one of a number of Geographic Unit Types, including: Administrative Unit, Market, Border Point, Crop Production Reporting Unit, Livelihood Zone. New Geographic Unit Types can be created as required.

Humanitarian assistance

Is intended to save lives and protect livelihoods, alleviate suffering, and provide basic necessities. Humanitarian assistance is usually initiated in response to a shock, such as civil war or a natural disaster. This can also include threshold-based programs that are triggered by a shock even if they are within the context of an inter-annual program. Programs focusing on immediate livelihood strengthening and prevention of further loss are also considered humanitarian. This type of assistance is typically short term (less than a year). However, some programs exceed the typical timeframe for humanitarian assistance (i.e., longer than a year) depending on the nature of the shock.

Integrated Phase Classification (IPC)

Widely accepted by the international community, Integrated Phase Classification (IPC) describes the severity of food emergencies. Based on common standards and language, this five-phase scale is intended to help governments and other humanitarian actors quickly understand a crisis (or potential crisis) and take action. The IPC allows analysts to classify households and areas according to a five-phase scale:

  • Phase 1: Minimal

  • Phase 2: Stressed

  • Phase 3: Crisis

  • Phase 4: Emergency

  • Phase 5: Famine


The United Nations "Standard Country or Area Codes for Statistical Use" originally published as Series M, No. 49 and now commonly referred to as the M49 standard. M49 is prepared by the Statistics Division of the United Nations Secretariat primarily for use in its publications and databases. FEWS NET uses an internal set of Country Groups that are similar to, but not identical to, the UN M49 Groups.


Where buyers and sellers come together to trade. Markets can be viewed as social arrangements that allow buyers and sellers to discover information or carry out a voluntary exchange of goods or services. Markets are normally physical locations, but not always. Transactions can occur on the phone, over the internet, through intermediaries, etc. Commodities (e.g., crops and food), livestock and labor can be exchanged through markets. For the purpose of these lessons, the focus is primarily on markets where physical goods are traded.


A generic term for the different pieces of information that are used to define a Data Series. Required metadata varies according to each Data Domain (e.g., for a Market Price, the metadata includes product name, unit of measure, price type (e.g., retail or wholesale), currency in which the price is measured, and product Source (e.g., local or imported). Where possible, we use International Organization for Standardization (ISO) or other international standards for defining metadata (e.g., countries use ISO3166A2; currencies use ISO4127; and products (i.e., crops) use CPC v2), while in other cases, we determine a defined list).


IPC phase 1 - Households are able to meet essential food and non-food needs without engaging in atypical and unsustainable strategies to access food and income.

Most likely

near term projection three months

Most Likely 1

the first projection period (the first four months) within an eight-month scenario

Most Likely 2

the second projection period (the second four months) within an eight-month scenario

Refreshable links

Connect directly to the FEWS NET Data Warehouse database server, allowing the browser or other application to automatically fetch live data from the server whenever the links are accessed. The refreshable link can also be used for calling the FEWS NET Data Warehouse API.


IPC phase 2 - Households have minimally adequate food consumption but are unable to afford some essential non-food expenditures without engaging in stress-coping strategies.


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