December 2022/January 2023: Efficient access

The 22.12 release includes a few key changes that improve the functionality of the FEWS NET Data Warehouse. You’ll find enhancements to the filter pane and the data collection display that make it easier to quickly access the information you need.

Improved filtering

The filter pane now includes a search field to help narrow down the available filters. You can efficiently select filters without having to scroll down the page. 

The filter results automatically adjust to the text entered in the search field.


The new FEWS NET Country Group filter option on the data series admin screens allows you to select data for a given region.

Selecting a FEWS NET Country Group yields results for all countries from the region.

Data collection display

The appearance of the data collection screen has been adjusted to ensure that the full text of the metadata columns can be easily viewed. This change also improves the ability to copy and paste the metadata information from the data collection screen to another document.