In this sprint release document, the features below and defects are resolved and deployed to the production server.
Improved performance for refreshing the Data Point Facts materialized view - DATA-46Getting issue details... STATUS
Research Kobo Toolbox and ODK Central for primary data collection - DATA-65Getting issue details... STATUS
Searching for Exchange Rates by Country Name - DATA-94Getting issue details... STATUS
Separate Border Point from Market - DATA-96Getting issue details... STATUS
Support GeoJSON format extracts in DataPoint APIs - DATA-130Getting issue details... STATUS
Research Dash for dashboards and visualizations - DATA-131Getting issue details... STATUS
Implement an OpenAPI Schema to make it easier to use the REST API - DATA-134Getting issue details... STATUS
Improve speed of FDE tables, maps and charts by only extracting required fields - DATA-136Getting issue details... STATUS
Associate the document type based permissions to the FEWS NET Staff and FDE Only roles - DATA-145Getting issue details... STATUS
Update Mayan to 3.3 - DATA-149Getting issue details... STATUS
Document Trade Flow Quantity Metadata - DATA-151Getting issue details... STATUS
Upgrade Pandas to 0.23.4 - DATA-155Getting issue details... STATUS
Price Saved Data Sets screen doesn't show FEWS NET Only "tab" - DATA-170Getting issue details... STATUS
Ag datasets marked "FEWS NET Only" should be "Public". 4 still need to be changed - DATA-180Getting issue details... STATUS
Fix Admin Unit Generation Issues - DATA-80Getting issue details... STATUS
Correct Mayan database credentials - DATA-146Getting issue details... STATUS
Cached Geography Filter for Crop Production tab in FDE is not working - DATA-156Getting issue details... STATUS
In the crop data domain, Admin units of the country Brazil are shown under the drop down list of International - DATA-166Getting issue details... STATUS
Incomplete form in offline Data Upload admin screen - DATA-173Getting issue details... STATUS
New Features
Improved performance for refreshing the Data Point Facts materialized view - DATA-46Getting issue details... STATUS
Research Kobo Toolbox and ODK Central for primary data collection - DATA-65Getting issue details... STATUS
Searching for Exchange Rates by Country Name - DATA-94Getting issue details... STATUS
Separate Border Point from Market - DATA-96Getting issue details... STATUS
Support GeoJSON format extracts in DataPoint APIs - DATA-130Getting issue details... STATUS
Research Dash for dashboards and visualizations - DATA-131Getting issue details... STATUS
Implement an OpenAPI Schema to make it easier to use the REST API - DATA-134Getting issue details... STATUS
Improve speed of FDE tables, maps and charts by only extracting required fields - DATA-136Getting issue details... STATUS
Associate the document type based permissions to the FEWS NET Staff and FDE Only roles - DATA-145Getting issue details... STATUS
Update Mayan to 3.3 - DATA-149Getting issue details... STATUS
Document Trade Flow Quantity Metadata - DATA-151Getting issue details... STATUS
Upgrade Pandas to 0.23.4 - DATA-155Getting issue details... STATUS
Price Saved Data Sets screen doesn't show FEWS NET Only "tab" - DATA-170Getting issue details... STATUS
Ag datasets marked "FEWS NET Only" should be "Public". 4 still need to be changed - DATA-180Getting issue details... STATUS
Resolved Defects
Fix Admin Unit Generation Issues - DATA-80Getting issue details... STATUS
For about 41 countries the FNID codes of the Admin 0 units were missing the year component but it is resolved for all these countries.
Correct Mayan database credentials - DATA-146Getting issue details... STATUS
Due to a configuration error at the time of migration to the FEWS NET AWS infrastructure, the fdwdev and fdwprd environments were both sharing the same Postgres database and it is resolved now.
Cached Geography Filter for Crop Production tab in FDE is not working - DATA-156Getting issue details... STATUS
On Crop data domain , the Geographic filter took longer minutes to popup its values and now the performance has been improved.
In the crop data domain, Admin units of the country Brazil are shown under the drop down list of International - DATA-166Getting issue details... STATUS
Admin 3 units of some countries were shown as list of countries under both M49 or FN Regions but now this has been resolved.
Incomplete form in offline Data Upload admin screen - DATA-173Getting issue details... STATUS
There was an issue on the data upload page i.e when one clicks on , clicking on
Add data upload
button results in the screenshots below i.e , theFile
,Import format
fields or theFile
field only will be hidden like you see in the screenshot below and this was resolved.