Country: The name of the country where the response data was collected.
Geographic unit: A geographic area or point such as a portion of a country or other region delineated for a specific purpose, such as an Administrative Unit (Province, District, County, etc.), Livelihood Zone, or Market.
Operator: The organization that delivered the intervention.
Operation type: The type of intervention (i.e., Emergency or Development).
Indicator: Metric of interest that allows for meaningful comparisons over time. The indicator options for the Responses domain include options such as Total operation cost and number of beneficiaries.
First collection date: Period date for the first collection/reporting period in the data series.
Last collection date: Period date for the last collection/reporting period in the data series.
CountData Point count: The number of data points in the data series.
Info: Hover over the information icon in a row to see more details including the data series ID, data source document, and data usage policy.