Domain | Description of data |
IPC Food Insecurity Classification (FIC) data which provides scale and scenario indicators on food insecure populations globally or for specific geographic locations | |
IPC Food Insecure Population Estimates (FIPE) data which provides phase and scenario indicators of food insecure populations | |
Geographic admin boundary information along with shapefiles, population estimates, and demography estimates, including male/female and age/gender breakdowns | |
Product and product market information (e.g., product source and product cost data at market and country level) | |
Interbank, government, secondary rate, and auction exchange rates | |
Consumer price indices and other price indices not calculated by FEWS NET | |
Price ratios calculated from FEWS NET system data | |
Price indices calculated from FEWS NET system data | |
Trade import and export data between source and destination countries at border points for various product types | |
Crop cultivation and harvest attributes (e.g., area harvested, planted, quantity produced, yield) | |
Health and nutrition indicator information (e.g., mortality rate, disease prevalence, death rate) | |
Cost and quantity of interventions in a given geographic area by various operators, including aid agencies | |
Population-related information (e.g., census data: population calculations, estimates, and percentages) | |
Number of days work of casual labor available per week in the selected market for Afghanistan | |
Information on remittances sent from overseas workers to Guatemala | |
Population counts and breakdowns by age and gender from officially published population estimates | |
Data series without system defined metadata (e.g., Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) and Human Development Index (HDI) data) |