Country Context
Administrative/Reporting Units
Boundary Issues
Provinces (6) were theoretically eliminated as of about 2008, but they retain some admin structures/functions. Note: It was decided that Provinces would stay as the Admin 1 unit throughout time series & FEWS NET Shapefiles.
Districts (admin3) (currently 119) are the most frequent level of stat reporting.
New region boundaries created in 2004. They did not move between provinces, and almost all previous districts retained their shapes (exception: Manandriana which split from Ambositra)
Ag stats did not start reporting for Manandriana in same year. Beans starts in 1997, most other crops start in 2002 except Maize and Rice which starts in 2001. This is reflected in the FNIDs, as Manandirana & Ambositra start using 2004 FNIDs depending on the year when commodity started reporting data for Manandriana (year when split occurred in reporting units).
Some ag stat reporting in 1990s and eary 2000s combined production from Antananarivo Atsimondrano and Antananarivo Avaradrano, into Antananarivo Avaratra. It appears that Antananarivo Avaratra is not a true district. Thus, a decision was taken to upload it as a crop region which is equivalent to an aggreagate of Antananarivo Atsimondrano & ntananarivo Avaradrano.
Pre 2004 regions based on map from 1995 on maps tab. Assumed there were no region changes beyond the changes in 2004.
Regions may not have been official admin units prior to 2004. For simplicity, it was decided that Provinces would be Admin1, regions would be Admin2, and districts (formerly known as fivondronana would be Admin3).
Fianarantsoa II split into Lalangina, Isandra, and Vohibato in 2009. Betafo also split into Betafo and Mandoto. However, these splits are not reflected in current data.
Crop Data
Many French/Malagasy variant names. Can't determine "official" name.
Names used here are generally drawn from the Agricultural Annal series.
Main rainy season: October-April
Dry season: May-Sept
There are two, or three, over-lapping rice growing seasons (irrigated), but production is not reported by those seasons
Like other southern/eastern African countries, the second year in a two-year notation is the year of the main harvest (e.g. '2004-2005" represents 2004 plantings in Oct/Nov, and harvest in April 2005).
Notable missing data:
Most current year ag stats: 2011-2017
Almost all crops prior to 1990
Area estimates for many crops in 2002, 2003 and 2004