In this sprint release document, the features below and defects are resolved and deployed to the production server.
Improved performance for refreshing the Data Point Facts materialized view - DATA-46Getting issue details... STATUS
Research Kobo Toolbox and ODK Central for primary data collection - DATA-65Getting issue details... STATUS
Searching for Exchange Rates by Country Name - DATA-94Getting issue details... STATUS
Separate Border Point from Market - DATA-96Getting issue details... STATUS
Support GeoJSON format extracts in DataPoint APIs - DATA-130Getting issue details... STATUS
Research Dash for dashboards and visualizations - DATA-131Getting issue details... STATUS
Implement an OpenAPI Schema to make it easier to use the REST API - DATA-134Getting issue details... STATUS
Improve speed of FDE tables, maps and charts by only extracting required fields - DATA-136Getting issue details... STATUS
Associate the document type based permissions to the FEWS NET Staff and FDE Only roles - DATA-145Getting issue details... STATUS
Update Mayan to 3.3 - DATA-149Getting issue details... STATUS
Document Trade Flow Quantity Metadata - DATA-151Getting issue details... STATUS
Upgrade Pandas to 0.23.4 - DATA-155Getting issue details... STATUS
Price Saved Data Sets screen doesn't show FEWS NET Only "tab" - DATA-170Getting issue details... STATUS
Ag datasets marked "FEWS NET Only" should be "Public". 4 still need to be changed - DATA-180Getting issue details... STATUS
Fix Admin Unit Generation Issues - DATA-80Getting issue details... STATUS
Correct Mayan database credentials - DATA-146Getting issue details... STATUS
Cached Geography Filter for Crop Production tab in FDE is not working - DATA-156Getting issue details... STATUS
In the crop data domain, Admin units of the country Brazil are shown under the drop down list of International - DATA-166Getting issue details... STATUS
Incomplete form in offline Data Upload admin screen - DATA-173Getting issue details... STATUS
New Features
Improved performance for refreshing the Data Point Facts materialized view - DATA-46Getting issue details... STATUS
Research Kobo Toolbox and ODK Central for primary data collection - DATA-65Getting issue details... STATUS
Searching for Exchange Rates by Country Name - DATA-94Getting issue details... STATUS
Separate Border Point from Market - DATA-96Getting issue details... STATUS
Support GeoJSON format extracts in DataPoint APIs - DATA-130Getting issue details... STATUS
Research Dash for dashboards and visualizations - DATA-131Getting issue details... STATUS
Implement an OpenAPI Schema to make it easier to use the REST API - DATA-134Getting issue details... STATUS
Improve speed of FDE tables, maps and charts by only extracting required fields - DATA-136Getting issue details... STATUS
Associate the document type based permissions to the FEWS NET Staff and FDE Only roles - DATA-145Getting issue details... STATUS
Update Mayan to 3.3 - DATA-149Getting issue details... STATUS
Document Trade Flow Quantity Metadata - DATA-151Getting issue details... STATUS
Upgrade Pandas to 0.23.4 - DATA-155Getting issue details... STATUS
Price Saved Data Sets screen doesn't show FEWS NET Only "tab" - DATA-170Getting issue details... STATUS
Ag datasets marked "FEWS NET Only" should be "Public". 4 still need to be changed - DATA-180Getting issue details... STATUS
Resolved Defects
Fix Admin Unit Generation Issues - DATA-80Getting issue details... STATUS
For about 41 countries the FNID codes of the Admin 0 units were missing the year component but it is resolved for all these countries
Correct Mayan database credentials - DATA-146Getting issue details... STATUS
Cached Geography Filter for Crop Production tab in FDE is not working - DATA-156Getting issue details... STATUS
In the crop data domain, Admin units of the country Brazil are shown under the drop down list of International - DATA-166Getting issue details... STATUS
Admin 3 units of some countries were shown as list of countries under both M49 or FN Regions but now this has been resolved.
Incomplete form in offline Data Upload admin screen - DATA-173Getting issue details... STATUS
There was an issue on the data upload page i.e when one clicks on , clicking on
Add data upload
button results in the screenshots below i.e , theFile
,Import format
fields or theFile
field only will be hidden like you see in the screenshot below and this was resolved