The following list of new features, tasks, and resolved bugs are included in the latest Sprint 20.10.06 6 release:
Optional Create optional inclusion in for Data Point Facts view for Semi-Structured Data https://fewsnet.atlassian.net/browse/DATA-502
As a viewer Quickly filter to a single crop or view all crops on the Crop Production Dashboard , I want to be able to quickly filter to just one crop or view all https://fewsnet.atlassian.net/browse/DATA-504
Better Improve IPC Phase imports https://fewsnet.atlassian.net/browse/DATA-534
Introduce multiple IPC datasource documents https://fewsnet.atlassian.net/browse/DATA-556
Add `Not Classified` “Not Classified” Data Point Status for IPC forecasts https://fewsnet.atlassian.net/browse/DATA-573
Add the "Forgot Password" “Forgot Password” and FEWS NET SSO Single Sign On buttons to the FDW Login login page https://fewsnet.atlassian.net/browse/DATA-591
Updates to Update Country-Specific Shapefiles - , following EWT Feedback Changes feedback (A) https://fewsnet.atlassian.net/browse/DATA-606
Updates to Update PNG Maps - , following EWT Feedback Changes feedback (B) https://fewsnet.atlassian.net/browse/DATA-610
Updates to Update ReadMe.text file - , following EWT Feedback Changes feedback (C) https://fewsnet.atlassian.net/browse/DATA-612
Fix Unit of Measure Conversions for Day https://fewsnet.atlassian.net/browse/DATA-452
Set IPC Population Point Value Permissions https://fewsnet.atlassian.net/browse/DATA-571
Request to change the Change a full name for a border town https://fewsnet.atlassian.net/browse/DATA-595
Managing ZW Manage Zimbabwe exchange rate data in the FDW https://fewsnet.atlassian.net/browse/DATA-617
Incorporate feedback on charts, particularly missing values https://fewsnet.atlassian.net/browse/DATA-554
Fix 500 Internal Server error caused by creating new calculated dataseries results
Show chart when Select All is used in Other domain for Days Work Available per week test sub-type https://fewsnet.atlassian.net/browse/DATA-582
Fix error that appears for a non-super user in the datasourcedocument form https://fewsnet.atlassian.net/browse/DATA-592
Fix CPC V2 filter in /api/tradeflowquantityvalue https://fewsnet.atlassian.net/browse/DATA-598
Fix breakage of Get_estimated_population_density for small Features https://fewsnet.atlassian.net/browse/DATA-603
Create optional inclusion for Data Point Facts view for Semi-Structured
The Data Point Facts view (warehouse_datapointfacts_view and warehouse_datapointfacts_materialized is used to calculate common statistical aggregations of the Data Points which is relevant for some document types i.e (Exchange rate, Remittance, Days Work Available per week , Calculated Data Series) and This feature is about adding the
option which is a setting that indicates whether additional statistics are calculated via inclusion in theData Point Facts
view or notview
Quickly filter to a single crop or view all crops on the Crop Production
Dashboard https://fewsnet.atlassian.net/browse/DATA-504
This feature is about to easily filter and view a single filtering and viewing one or all crop products of the selected country by toggling the list of the crop products of the selected country (https://fdwdevfdw.fews.net/dashboard/crop-production/). In addition to this , an “Information” block has been added which
block that helps the user to easily interact with the the charts has been added.
Improve IPC Phase imports https://fewsnet.atlassian.net/browse/DATA-534
This feature is about enhancing enhances the imports of the IPC Phase data by implementing the different scenarios including that improve the speed performance of the import.
Introduce multiple IPC datasource documents https://fewsnet.atlassian.net/browse/DATA-556
This feature is about implementing implements multiple data source documents (i.e ( .,
Key Message update(KMU)
,Food Security Outlook(FSO)
,Food Security Outlook Update(FSOU)
) for capturing the to capture IPC Classification data which . It enables to have instances of each of these data source documents per country.
Add “Not Classified” Data Point Status for IPC forecasts https://fewsnet.atlassian.net/browse/DATA-573
This enhancement is about to allow makes
Not Classified
to be an allowable status and which as a result data point status so that IPC extracts should contain "Not Classified
" instead of " rather thanNot Collected
" for Data Points data points without an IPC Phase value.
Add the "Forgot Password" and FEWS NET
Single Sign On buttons to the FDW
login page https://fewsnet.atlassian.net/browse/DATA-591
This feature is about adding the adds
Forgot Password
andFEWS NET SSO buttons
to the FDW Login login page (https://fdw.fews.net/en/admin/login/?next=/en/admin/).
Update Country-Specific Shapefiles
, following EWT
feedback (A) https://fewsnet.atlassian.net/browse/DATA-606
This feature is about making changes to the country shapefiles in order to make them compatible with the ones produced by the EWT and can be used across multiple GIS platforms, including the ArcGIS platform that the EWT heavily utilizes to analyze and produce maps.
This feature changed the country shape files to ensure compatibility with those produced by the EWT.
Update PNG Maps, following EWT feedback (B) https://fewsnet.atlassian.net/browse/DATA-610
This enhancement is about implementing implemented visual and text changes on the PNG Maps.
Update ReadMe.text file
, following EWT
feedback (C)
This feature is about updating the readme updated read-me file that comes together with the country shape files.
Fix Unit of Measure Conversions for Day https://fewsnet.atlassian.net/browse/DATA-452
This task was about correcting corrected the
unit of of Measure Conversions for Day which as a result Unit of Measure conversion that converts to add the conversion of1 Day = 1 ea
has been added . (i.e (., https://fdw.fews.net/en/admin/common/unitofmeasureconversion/84/change/?_changelist_filters=q%3Dday).
Set IPC Population Point Value Permissions https://fewsnet.atlassian.net/browse/DATA-571
This task was about customizing permission for allowing customized permission to allow groups of users to have access for point estimates values of the IPC Population data domain.
Change a full name for a border town https://fewsnet.atlassian.net/browse/DATA-595
This task was about cascading cascaded any changes made on the border point name to the full name of the border point screen, for instance as shown here: https://fdw.fews.net/en/admin/spatial/geographicunit/142977/change/.
Zimbabwe exchange rate data in the FDW https://fewsnet.atlassian.net/browse/DATA-617
This task was about adding the added new
currency names
(i.e (.,ZWL Dollar (Cash)
andZWL Dollar (RTGS)
) and rate typeAuction Rate Type
in order to apply the changes requested by the Early Warning Teams.
Incorporate feedback on charts, particularly missing values https://fewsnet.atlassian.net/browse/DATA-554
This resolved the missing values on the charts of
,Exchange rate
, andCPI
showing as zero.
Fix 500 Internal Server error caused by creating new calculated dataseries resultshttps://fewsnet.atlassian.net/browse/DATA-567
This resolved a 500 Internal Server Error that appeared when creating a new calculated data series (https://fdw.fews.net/en/admin/price/calculatedindex/add/).
Show chart when Select All is used in Other domain for Days Work Available per week test sub-type https://fewsnet.atlassian.net/browse/DATA-582
This resolved an issue in rendering charts for the sub-type
Days Work Available per week
of the Other data domain of the FDE (http://fdw.fews.net/data-explorer/#/other).
Fix error that appears for a non-super user in the datasourcedocument form https://fewsnet.atlassian.net/browse/DATA-592
This resolved an error for non-super users on the data source document page (https://fdw.fews.net/en/admin/warehouse/datasourcedocument/).
Fix CPC V2 filter in /api/tradeflowquantityvalue https://fewsnet.atlassian.net/browse/DATA-598
This resolved an issue with the cpcv2 filter of the API trade data domain (i.e., http://fdw.fews.net/api/tradeflowquantityvalue). Functionality is now working as expected.
Fix breakage of Get_estimated_population_density for small Features https://fewsnet.atlassian.net/browse/DATA-603
This resolved a 500 Internal Service Error that appeared when extracting geographic units with population (i.e., https://fdw.fews.net/api/geographicunit/?country=ET&unit_type=fsc_admin&as_of_date=2020-01-31&format=html&fields=with_population).