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The following list of new features, updates and bug fixes are included in the latest Sprint 23.07 release to the FEWS NET Data Platform.

New Features

Pilot of CIAT Dashboard (DATA-2588)


A map with layers showing ACLED data for conflict events as well as IOM data for migration and displaced people has been added to a new dashboard in FDW. Data is current available for Sudan.

View more information about this map in the FDW Knowledge Base.


FDE Updates

  • Minor updates to text in the FIC and FIPE domains in FDE (DATA-2760)

  • Public users can now access cross-border trade data in the Trade domain (DATA-2838)

Data Ingestion Updates

  • IOM data produced on an ad hoc basis when a conflict displaces people will be manually loaded into FDW (DATA-2815)

Data Extracts Updates

  • Trade flow routes can be extracted in GeoJSON format with metadata indicating a small or large flow and distinguishing domestic and import data (DATA-2801)

Metadata Management Updates

Review Country metadata against ISO3166 (DATA-1478)

Updated country aliases metadata for FDW to align with ISO 3166, BGN, and PCGN sources





Country field to Data Source Document and update filtering (DATA-



Adjusted the method of supporting country-level data source documents and filtering by country by adding a country field to DataSourceDocument in FDW, and ensuring all filters use country field data source documents instead of data source organization.

Separate Data Warehouse source document to have different visibility levels (DATA-2575)

Split the Data Warehouse source document in FDW into three Calculated Dataseries Data Warehouse documents with public, FEWS NET Only and Restricted usage policies, with an additional source document for the Geographic unit versions. Existing data series have been migrated to the correct source document.  



data series active/inactive information to FDW API (DATA-



The FDW API reliably indicates whether a data series is active or inactive. This work also supports displaying active/inactive information in FDE in the future.

Support Trade Flow Maps in spatial extracts (DATA-2801)

Trade flow routes can be extracted in GeoJSON format with metadata indicating a small or large flow and distinguishing domestic and import data.

Load IOM data into semistructured domain (DATA-2815)

IOM data produced on an ad hoc basis when a conflict displaces people will be manually loaded into FDW.

Bug Fixes

Bug Fixes in FDE

  • Duplicate geographic units no longer appear in the Crop domain for Ethiopia now that shapefile names have been standardized (DATA-2544)

  • Corrected the behavior of currency conversions in FDE (DATA-2641)

  • Fixed an issue causing datapoints for Bolivia price data to fail to materialize when extracting the data from FDE as well as in the table view. This was due to a new group assigned an ID of less than 900. The error is resolved by using the matching group with the minimum M49 code. (DATA-2895)

  • Addressed the behavior of the Exchange rate type filter in the Exchange Rates domain so it filters correctly for the data series and the export link (DATA-2900)

  • Corrected issues with saving datasets (DATA-2909)


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Error when uploading a new LHZ file on the FDW (DATA-2889)
