Versions Compared


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Dated: 17 December, 2021


The following list of new features, tasks, and resolved bugs are included in the latest Sprint 21.11.1 2 release to FDW/FDE:



Add option to FDE to produce URL that includes GeoUnit feature attributes


  • This enhancement is about making changes to the spatial data domain of the FDE by introducing the field: include feature attributes to the Options tab which displays all the GeoUnit feature attributes.

Additional Filters for the Other Domain - Exchange Rate

  • This feature is about incorporating the Exchange rate type and Market filters to the Other data domain of the exchange rate subtype.

Prototype TopoJSON data extraction support

Data ingestion pipeline for areal estimates of specific remote sensing data sets

  • This feature is about developing a data ingestion pipeline for areal estimates of specific remote sensing data sets. This will help users to understand how time series of remote sensing data affect specific geographic units of interest.

Validate existing Somalia Crop Data

  • This enhancement is about making changes to the existing fewsnet_crop_ingestion pipeline for authenticating the Somalia crop production data.

Update Data inventory dashboard to include a breakdown of the new data points added each month by domain


Calculated Price Index & Price Ratio end points of the FDE should point to their specific end points

  • This enhancement is about changing the FDE API endpoints of the calculated price index and price ratio  from /api/datapointfacts to /api/calculatedpriceindexvaluefacts/ and /api/priceratiovaluefacts/ respectively, so that users are brought to the correct views as expected.

Add data usage policy to data point extracts from all domains


Investigate the automated API documentation

Uploading of Ethiopia crop production data

  • This task was about uploading the Ethiopia crop production historic data and it was successfully loaded into the FDW.


Investigate and fix price projection spreadsheet linkage to FDW API

  • The system was throwing an error between during the API connection between the FDW and the excel TPPT spreadsheet and this was resolved.

Fix exchange rate endpoint in FDE

  • There was an issue in using accessing the API i.e (:/api/exchangeratevaluefacts) , and this was resolved and the functionality is working as expected.


  • There was an issue with the country API , (for instance,, ) where the XML only includes shows the attribute names but not the actual values and this was resolved.



Error in Average Price Change Map visualization
