The IPC FIPE Acute Food Insecurity Population Estimates domain provides Food Insecure Population Estimates (FIPE) for specified geographic locations. It is used to identify famine and determine the severity of food insecurity and nutrition crises. This data is compatible with the Integrated Phase Classification (IPC) system.
The IPC FIPE Acute Food Insecurity Population Estimates domain is broken into three two sections:
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You can search by various criteria including:
Data source document: name and organization
Data series: name, description, and metadata
Learn more about search functionality in FDE.
You can filter the available data series using one or more of the following criteria:
Period: Filters by the collection/reporting period.
Start date: Returns all data series starting on or before this date.
End date: Returns all data series ending on or after this date.
Filter Data
The Acute Food Insecurity Population Estimates domain includes the following options for filtering data:
Start date and End date:Filters data series by the period dates of all data points within the series. All data series with at least one data point that has a period date inside the date range will be displayed.
2. Data Selection
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Once you have applied your search terms and filters, you will be presented with a list of all available data series that match your criteria. A data series is a collection of related data points from a single data source that are viewable as a single row within a table of data. They represent the change over time of a specific indicator. Data series are presented in table format where each row represents a single data series. The IPC FIPE domain data selection table includes the following columns:
In addition to selecting data series, you can interact with the data selection table in the following ways:
3. Data visualization and export
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The final section of the IPC FIPE domain is data visualization and export. The Options button in this section presents the available options for aggregation or conversion of the data. The available parameters are:
title | Expand for more info about the Table data visualization |
The Table tab for the IPC FIPE domain includes the following metadata:
data_source_organization: The name or unique numeric id of the organization that provided the data source document.
Geographic area: Filters by location of the FIPE data. This filter aggregates items into a multi-level lists (e.g., admin 1 units are aggregated into countries, which are aggregated into regions). Selecting the higher-level item in the list will automatically select all the lower-level items in the list.
Phase: Filers by IPC phase.
Scenario: Filters by scenario (i.e., Current situation, Most likely in 6 months, or Most likely).
Note: The International category in this filter contains countries not currently monitored by FEWS NET.
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You must select one or more geographic areas before choosing a scenario. |
title | Expand for more info about data export |
The Export tab includes the following options:
Data Source Document: Filters by the name of the document used as the primary source of information or data.
country: Represents the national, dependent territory, or special area of geographical interest level administrative unit, standardized to ISO 3166 naming.
country_code: The ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 two letter code for a country.
geographic_group: Grouping of countries or regions based on the United Nations Standard Country or Area Codes for Statistical (UN M49) Classifications.
fewsnet_region: Grouping of countries or regions based on the FEWS NET regional Classifications. They are similar to the UN M49 Groups but they use the M49 code values between 900 and 999.
fnid: FEWS NET ID, a unique code used to identify a specific geographic unit.
admin_0: Represents the country level administrative unit.
admin_1: Represents the first level administrative units.
admin_2: Represents the second level administrative units.
admin_3: Represents the third level administrative units.
admin_4: Represents the fourth level administrative units.
collection_status: The status of a data collection (i.e., Draft, Submitted, Under Review or Published).
start_date: The start date of a collection period. For monthly data, this is the first day of the month of the reporting period. For example, data from January 2021 have a start_date of January 1, 2021.
period_date: The last day of the collection period. For monthly data, this is the last day of the month of the reporting period. For example, data from January 2021 have a period date of January 31, 2021.
value: The value of the data point during the reporting period.
collection_schedule: The frequency of the data collections (e.g., monthly or weekly).
dataseries_name: The name of a data series derived from the full set of metadata added at the time of creation.
id: Unique identifier assigned by the system.
indicator_abbreviation: A short name that represents a particular indicator.
indicator_name: The full name representing a particular indicator within the FEWS NET Data Platform (e.g., Population Estimate, Total Number of Beneficiaries, Days Work Available).
status: The status of a data point value (i.e., Collected, Not Collected, Not Available, Missing Historic Data, Calculated, and Interpolated) for a specific collection period.
collection_date: Date the records were collected, specified in YYYY-MM-DD format.
The Annual Peak Food Assistance Needs includes projections in each monitored Country for the total population that would likely face Crisis (IPC Phase 3) or worse acute food insecurity in the absence of any emergency food assistance, during its projected period of highest need, which typically occurs during a country's lean season.
The Food Assistance Outlook Brief summarizes FEWS NET's projection of the population in need of urgent food assistance and the severity of anticipated acute food insecurity (the highest IPC area-level classification) in each FEWS NET-monitored country seven months into the future.
Scenario: There are two scenario options available:
Best Available: Shows the current situation for all periods. Only the most recent near and medium term projections will be included.
All: Shows all scenarios for all periods, including near and medium term projections from past periods.
2. Data visualization and export
The Acute Food Insecurity Population Estimates domain currently includes a Table visualization. The Metadata tab contains descriptions and definitions of the metadata included in the visualizations and export data.
Customize Export
The Acute Food Insecurity Population Estimates domain includes the following options:
File format: Choose from one of the available file formats. This will apply to both downloads and refreshable links.
Download as: Provides a download of a static dataset. This will export only the data series that you have selected.
Flat format CSV
Copy link: Copies a refreshable link that connects directly to the FEWS NET Data Warehouse database server, allowing Excel, your browser, or another application to automatically fetch data from the server whenever the link is accessed.