This feature adds
Forgot Password
andFEWS NET SSO buttons
to the FDW login page (https://fdw.fews.net/en/admin/login/?next=/en/admin/).
Update Country-Specific Shapefiles, following EWT feedback (A) https://fewsnet.atlassian.net/browse/DATA-606
This task corrected the
unit of Measure Conversions to add the conversion of1 Day = 1 ea
. (i.e., https://fdw.fews.net/en/admin/common/unitofmeasureconversion/84/change/?_changelist_filters=q%3Dday).
Set IPC Population Point Value Permissions https://fewsnet.atlassian.net/browse/DATA-571
This task cascaded any changes made on the border point name to the full name of the border point screen, shown here: https://fdw.fews.net/en/admin/spatial/geographicunit/142977/change/.
Managing Zimbabwe exchange rate data in the FDW https://fewsnet.atlassian.net/browse/DATA-617