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The Data analysis module provides advanced access to all the data that has been published to the FEWS NET Data Warehouse (FDW), in addition to data consolidation tools. Its purpose is to allow for detailed inspection of the data for drawing informed conclusions, and to support decision-making.


The following options are available for the Data analysis module and can be accessed via the Warehouse FDW system menu dropdown:

Single data series


The Single data series option lists all data series within the system, regardless of domain category. Selecting a data series within this module will open the selected series within the Data series management module for additional analysis or editing.

Population estimates for Shapefiles

The Population estimate estimates for shapefiles: A tool to determine Shapefiles tool determines the population within a shapefileShapefile. To upload and return the population statistics for a shapefileShapefile, follow the steps below:

  1. Click Choose File to select a zipped shapefile Shapefile that meets Esri or .shp standards. Upload the file.

  2. Select the year by which the population will be calculated. For example, to determine the population within the uploaded shapefile Shapefile in 2001, select 2001 from the dropdown menu.

  3. Indicate whether the output should include a full demographic breakdown. If this box is unchecked, the system will only return the population statistics.

  4. Define whether the output should be calculated using a calibration factor from a user-specified data source document.

  5. Click Submit


Data sets: Functions like the Single data series tool above, but instead categorizes the single data series by domain categories. Selecting a data series within this module will open the selected series within the Data series management module for additional analysis or editing.

Calculated data series: List all calculated data series such as relative prices and price indices. There are two types of calculated data series within the FEWS NET Data Warehouse:

  1. Weighted: This calculated data series gives weight to each Data series within the index.

  2. Unweighted: A simple average of the index.

Dashboards: Provides a variety of data visualization dashboards which are outlined below:


Data inventory: A visualization dashboard focused on the quantity, geographic coverage, and time ranges of all data available within the FEWS NET Data Warehouse.


Price charts: A collection of charts, graphs, and other analysis tools used to analyze price data for specified geographies and time frames.




You can also download population and demography estimates within FDE for Shapefiles available on the platform. Learn more about the customization options in the Spatial Domain.


The Datasets option displays collections of Data Series, categorized by Domain. On the Dataset admin pages for each Domain, you can:

  • Search and filter Datasets.

  • Add a new Dataset.

  • Click on a Dataset to edit it on the Change screen.

  • Use the checkboxes to select one or more datasets, and use the Action dropdown to delete or clone your selection.

Calculated data series

The Calculated data series option manages the price ratios and price indices calculated from FEWS NET system data.

Calculated Price Ratios

On the Calculated Price Ratio admin page, you can:

  • Search and filter Calculated Price Ratios.

  • Add a new Calculated Price Ratio between two product prices.

  • Click on a Calculated Price Ratio to edit it on the Change screen.

  • Use the checkboxes to select one or more Calculated Price Ratios, and use the Action dropdown to delete your selection.

Calculated Price Indices

On the Calculated Price Indices admin page, you can:

  • Search and filter Calculated Price Indices.

  • Add a new Calculated Price Index.

  • Click on a Calculated Price Index to edit it on the Change screen.

  • Use the checkboxes to select one or more Calculated Price Incides, and use the Action dropdown to delete your selection.


A variety of data visualization dashboards are available as outlined below:

  • Conflict Maps: Visualizes conflict and migration flow data, as well as FIC near term projected outcomes, population data, and trade flow data. Learn more about the Sudan multilayer map.

  • Crop Assessment: Displays field observations collected using the Open Data Kit (ODK) app during FEWS NET’s crop assessment tours.

  • Crop Production: A collection of charts, graphs, and other analysis tools used to analyze crop production for specified geographies and time frames.

  • Unit relationships: Provides visualizations representing the relationship between various administrative units over specified time periods.

  • Import dependencyData Freshness: Provides the current status of data collections by data source document.

  • Data Inventory: A visualization dashboard focused on the quantity, geographic coverage, and time ranges of all data available within the FEWS NET Data Warehouse.

  • Import Dependency: A visualization dashboard used to analyze import dependence of specified products and countries, along with Human Development Index and Sustainable Development Goals indicators.

  • News articlesArticles: A collection of news articles, including summaries and translations, that can be filtered and searched.

  • Population Sources: Provides visualizations and comparisons of population data for Afghanistan.

  • Price Charts: A collection of charts, graphs, and other analysis tools used to analyze price data for specified geographies and time frames.

  • Trade Partner Dependency: Visualizes the dependence of a specified country on imports of various products or from particular countries.

  • Unit Relationships: Provides visualizations representing the relationship between various administrative units over specified time periods.