The Acute Food Insecurity Classifications domain includes the following options for filtering data:
Start date and End date:Filters Data Series by the period dates of all Data Points within the series. All Data Series with at least one Data Point that has a period date inside the date range will be displayed.
Geographic area: Filters by location of the FIC data. This filter aggregates items into a multi-level lists (e.g., admin Admin 1 units are aggregated into countries, which are aggregated into regions). Selecting the higher-level item in the list will automatically select all the lower-level items in the list.
Scale: Filers by the food security classification scale used, e.g., Integrated Phase Classification (IPC) scale versions 2.0, 3.0 and 3.1.
Scenario: There are two scenario options available:
Best Available: Shows the current situation for all periods. Only the most recent near and medium term projections will be included.
All: Shows all scenarios for all periods, including near and medium term projections from past periods.
Data usage policy: Filters by the data usage policy assigned to the Data Series.
2. Data Visualization and Export