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The following list of new features, updates and bug fixes are included in the latest Sprint 23.09 release to the FEWS NET Data Platform.

New Features

Retain an FDE user’s last domain search until cleared (DATA-2984)

All FDE domain pages now retain the user’s most recent search criteria. Users will see their most recent search criteria applied after refreshing a domain page, moving between pages, and between FDE sessions.






Updated the My Top Pages widget on the FDE homepage to align with the domain page names (DATA-2981)

Clean up XBT extracts (DATA-2946)

The cross border trade data API extracts have been refined by removing unnecessary fields and adding the common_unit field. The new set of fields are accessed with the query parameter ?fields=fde.

Update domain names in "My Top Pages" homepage widget (DATA-2981)

The My Top Pages widget on the FDE homepage was updated to align with the current domain page names.

ComTrade Pipeline

Updates to the ComTrade pipeline were completed through the following tickets:


  • Ensured the Sudan Conflict Map can serve static versions of the image (DATA-3005)

  • Loaded cross border migration data for Sudan into FDW (DATA-3009)

  • Added cross border trade data to the Sudan Conflict Map (DATA-3010)

  • Added conflict maps for Mozambique and Honduras to FDW (DATA-3106)


FDW now has the ability to store and filter information on FEWS NET funded scientific publications.


FDE Bugs

Bug fixes for the FEWS NET Data Explorer were completed through the following tickets:

  • Cached the api/user, api/user/current and api/fdeprofile/2 endpoints that were being hit every time a domain tab is loaded (DATA-2765)

  • Corrected the functionality of the built-in tour to launch automatically for new users (DATA-3031)

  • Adjusted the behavior of data series selection to correct an issue with all data series in the domain showing as selected after de-selecting all data series in the Selected tab, as well as an issue causing all data series in the domain to populate the preview and export panel after de-selecting all data series from the This Search tab. (DATA-3047)

  • Fixed an issue where the Select All button failed to select all data series. Users can now select a large number of datasets using the Select All option as expected. (DATA-3111)

  • Fixed an issue causing the user profile page to display a 404 error upon refresh (DATA-3064)

  • Updated account creation for Google SSO, as users could create an FDE account without getting access to any domains. Now, Google SSO accounts automatically receive public permissions. (DATA-3125)

Fix error with django import-export if the description of another object matches the identifier (DATA-3007)
