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The following list of new features, updates and bug fixes are included in the latest Sprint 22.12 release to the FEWS NET Data Platform.

New Features

New FDW Search and Filter Options


  • The filter pane in the FDW now includes a search box which can be used to narrow down the available filters (DATA-2336)

  • Dataseries Admin screens have a FEWS NET Country Group filter option to allow the selection of data for a given region (DATA-2160)



Metadata Management Updates


  • Metadata endpoints for ‘commoditybalancevalue’ and ‘commoditybalancefacts’ have been created for the Balance domain (DATA-1970)

  • All necessary fields are now defined for the Secondary Price Indexes and Exchange rate endpoints. (DATA-1972)

  • All existing indicators now include values in the aggregation and description fields (DATA-1973)

  • The data source document field for datausage_notes is included in the metadata API extracts as part of the description column (DATA-2082)

  • Foreign name fields have been added to GeographicUnitSerializer (DATA-2153)

  • Management of narrative metadata type and narrative metadata have been added to the admin screens as part of common metadata (DATA-2188)

  • The availability and availability description columns are included in ‘fields=simple’ (DATA-2300)


The inline tabular display for data collections was improved to allow users to see the full text of important metadata columns.

Bug Fixes

Change country name of the exchange rate of Bolivar Digital per USD from World to Venezuela (DATA-2294)

The secondary exchange rate for VED (Bolivar Digital) per USD listed ‘World’ as the country. This has been corrected to list Venezuela.

Trying to open results in 500 Internal Server Error (DATA-1656)

The 500 Internal Server Error was caused by data points from the Source Document id: 7127, name: "FAO, Statistics Division" whose values are NaN instead of a numeric or a null value. The error was resolved by running a clean up query in the database.

MarketPriceProjectionvalue period date is not the last day of the month (DATA-2215)


  • An issue with the FDE sidebar not retaining the user’s scroll position was corrected to function correctly within and across pages (DATA-2074)The knowledge base widget article sidebar was fixed so text does not overflow out of the components (DATA-2075)

  • Maps in FDE were not resizing correctly when the main sidebar is collapsed. Maps now fill the interface in response to user interactions (DATA-2122)

  • The flow type and trade type were not working correctly on the trade domain. This has been resolved by changing ‘key’ to ‘value’ in trade-filter-config.js file (DATA-2234)

  • The ‘Data Management’ button has been removed from the FDE2 homepage for the external users group (DATA-2281)

  • The selected tab underline in FDE data series table did not match the label width. This was corrected so that the selected tab underline matches the length and position of the tab’s text label. (DATA-2282)

  • The height of the API LINK div on the Price Table was reduced to eliminate an overlap with the horizontal scroll bar for Ubuntu OS running Chrome (DATA-2296)

  • An error causing scroll bars to malfunction after closing the FDE guided tour has been fixed to allow users to scroll normally (DATA-2299)

  • The Reset Search button on FDE domain pages has been corrected to clear only the existing search parameters, and not a user’s selected data series. (DATA-2323)

  • The height of the FDE filter header and the placement of the ‘save search’ button after search parameters are entered have been corrected (DATA-2324)
