The following list of new features, updates and bug fixes are included in the latest Sprint 22.11 release to the FEWS NET Data Platform.
New Features
New FDE Filter View (DATA-2094)
FDE now contains a Selected Filters section. This allows users to view all selected filters at once and remove filters more easily. This section can be expanded and collapsed.
Update to LandScan 2021 (DATA-1193)
Landscan data for 2020 and 2021 has been uploaded to FDW.
Automated ingestion of Price Projection spreadsheets from Google Drive (DATA-1744, DATA-1879)
A pipeline has been created that ingests price projection spreadsheets from Google Drive into the FDW.
An update was made to the TradeFlowQuantity serializers so that trade value and currency data can be extracted via the API in json, csv and html formats.
More Comprehensive Metadata
Additional work has been done to provide comprehensive metadata information in the data platform. This includes:
Generic Comprehensive metadata for the warehouse.datapoint end point (DATA-1968)
There is a new metadata API end point for
Updating all indicators in FDW to include aggregation and description fields (DATA-1973)
Responsive FDE
Work continues to make a responsive FDE design that is useable across various screen sizes and device types. This includes:
FDE updates include updating the built-in tour to include new features, refining the metadata interface, and ensuring all pages have a corresponding help link. This includes the following tickets:
South Sudan Kobo toolbox form fixes to the market filter and product availability sections (DATA-2113)
The addition of a spreadsheet that connects to Kobo to pull data for review for South Sudan (DATA-2113)
An update to the enumerator locations for East Africa Cross-Border Trade Kobo Data (DATA-2141)
Bug Fixes
Fix select lists and inherited docstrings in rapidoc documentation (DATA-1933)
Edits were made to the rapidoc API documentation to make it more complete and user friendly.
Bug Fixes in the FDW (DATA-2050, DATA-2198)
A variety of bugs in the refreshed FDW were fixed including buttons rendering incorrectly, an invalid error message, some incorrect links, incorrect text placement in dashboards, and the inability to view complete metadata in the data collections table.
Bug Fixes in the FDE
A variety of bugs were fixed based on FDE version 2 beta testing. These include:
Country filters were not in alphabetical order in the FDE (DATA-2073)
FDE interface disappeared when "Daily" or "Weekly" reporting schedule was selected in the Price domain (DATA-2121)
Clear Search and Save Search buttons would not appear for the Period date fields (DATA-2156)
The Metadata tab was not working correctly in the Crop and Trade domains (DATA-2185)
Changes to KoBo forms made in the development environment were erroneously being reflected in the production environment. This error has been fixed.
Population Indicator Viewset search is not working (DATA-2110)
The populationindicator endpoint in the API was working inconsistently. This has been fixed and there are now a functional search and page size filters on the this endpoint.
The Staple Food Price data downloaded from the website is not updated correctly (DATA-2184, DATA-2204)
The Price Projection spreadsheets contain different lower and upper bound values for each period date, but these values were showing up as the same in FDW. This was because the two columns were being treating them as metadata columns by the FDW. The error has been fixed and upper and lower bound values in FDW are the same as in the spreadsheet.