This feature is about automatically updating the data series name of (https://fdw.fews.net/en/admin/warehouse/dataseries/) after making changes to the
of aDocument Type
This feature is about disabling the automatic creation of the
data_source documents_document
upon uploading the data of the survey data domain domains .
Make Indicator a mandatory attribute for Data Series https://fewsnet.atlassian.net/browse/DATA-511
This feature is about making
field a mandatory field for all the data series of all the data domains.
This feature is about implementing the
Country filter
list for all the data points admin screens of all the data domains.
IPC outputs should use full names for Classification Scales https://fewsnet.atlassian.net/browse/DATA-521
This feature is about showing the full name of the
IPC Classification scales
in all of the IPC outputs screens , i.e (https://fdw.fews.net/en/admin/ipc/ipcphase/,https://fdw.fews.net/en/admin/warehouse/dataseries/?data_domain=IPCClassification and
This feature is about allowing a downloadable
map by passing parameterscollection_date
and scenario to the/ipcpngmap/
, i.e (https://fdw.fews.net/ipcmap/?scenario=ML1&country_code=KE&collection_date=2020-09-01) and which also enables to save apng
with the map i.e (https://fdw.fews.net/ipcpngmap/?scenario=ML1&country_code=KE&collection_date=2020-09-01).
Use Custom Permission instead of Is Staff for determining whether IPC Population values are visible https://fewsnet.atlassian.net/browse/DATA-544
This feature is about adding the new customized permission type
ipc | ipc population size | Can view ipc population size actual value
to the existing relevant groups which allows the user to see either thevalue
of the IPC Population size.
This enhancement is about incorporating the
trade flow type to the Cross Border Trade cross border trade data domain.
Define recent period and collection date in api/ipcphasemap https://fewsnet.atlassian.net/browse/DATA-551
This feature is about defining the
recent period
andcollection date
API which as a result resturns the returns the latest data collection period which is returned upon accessing the api/ipcphasemap,for instance , (https://fdw.fews.net/api/ipcphasemap/?format=geojson&scenario=ML1&country_code={some_country} ).
Investigate why uploading additional IPC phases data returns invalid records https://fewsnet.atlassian.net/browse/DATA-555