This task was about showing the the current Geographic Unit Relationships at the country level which helps to assess the completeness of the Geographic Unit Relationships of the different countries.
Remove Search for Crop Production Indicator and Crop Production Indicator Value
Since the current generic search box of the
Crop Production Indicator
andCrop Production Indicator Value
is unusably slow due to the volume of the Crop production data , this task was about removing the Search box from the(https://fdw.fews.net/en/admin/survey/cropproductionindicator/) and (https://fdw.fews.net/en/admin/survey/cropproductionindicatorvalue/).
Peak needs API end point
This task was about creating API end point that read the the google sheet (https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1honKsI13RIkwB-DTJg7SqVHkqPgKjOsiljzUkJSqj2s/edit#gid=0 ) and returns the whole countries data at (https://fdw.fews.net/api/efapeakneeds/) or if a specific country_code is passed , for instance, (https://fdw.fews.net/api/efapeakneeds/?format=api&country_code=AF) then that specific country’s data will be returned as wella result.
Covid 19 cases/deaths API end point
Remove the Search box from the Crop production tab of the FDE
Since the crop Production production data can be searched using an individual filters, this task was about removing the Search bar from the FDE of the crop data domain.
FDE Spatial map view doesn't work for Kenya FSC Units 2016
There were was an issue in viewing the Kenya FSC Units 2016 Spatial map and this was resolved.
There was an issue in deselecting the data series records from the list of the
Available Geo unit set versions
page and this was resolved and the functionality is working as expected.
The season records of the crop production data domain was missing the column information of the specific data domain name and this was resolved and all the season records shows the specific data domain typestype.
Unable to access Geographical Unit Set Versions that contain Markets via the API
It was the
no result
error message that was displayed upon trying to access the API of the Geographic Unit Set Vesrions that contain Markets using the API Versions that contains markets , for instance , (https://fdw.fews.net/api/geographicunitsetversion/365) , this was resolved . The and the Geographical Unit Set Versions that contain Markets can now be accessible through the API.
Tying to access an API (/api/geographicunit/) with a combination of the parameters
, for exampleinstance,(https://fdw.fews.net/api/geographicunit/?unit_type=admin3&used_for=CropProductionIndicator , ) was shown a 500 Internal Server error and this was resolved and the api API is now accessible.
Placeholder text on Trade domain search bar says "report country" instead of "reporting country"
The placeholder text for the Trade data domain search bar were was displayed as
report country
and now it ir it’s renamed to the correct saying “reportingreporting country
Accessing thehttps://fdw.fews.net/dashboard/inventory/with out a superuser right results in 403 Forbidden page
It was the 403 403 Forbidden page which results in accessing the (https://fdw.fews.net/dashboard/inventory/) without a superuser right and this was resolved . The & the
Inventory Dashboard
is now accessible without a superuser right access.
Incorrect FDW calculations (Forex)
There was an incorrect calculated field of the
calculated field which were was shown in the data extracts extract and this was resolved.
The UI Screen of the Trade data domain of the FDE does not show data for the Trade status / Trade type column information
Unable to save Livelihood Zones when a Geographic Unit Version is saved
When a GeograhicUnitSetVersion was Geographic Unit Set Version was saved with a Livelihood zone data in of the shape file then the corresponding values of the `LivelihoodZone` the Livelihood Zone data did not saved and this was resolved and the list of the livelihood zones data are shown i.e (https://fdw.fews.net/en/admin/spatial/livelihoodzone/?q=kenya) after saving the Geographic unit set version of the livelihood zone shapefile data (https://fdw.fews.net/en/admin/spatial/geographicunitsetversion/1350/change/).