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Below are the specific metadata types and the standards applied to each type of reference data:


Standard: ISO 3166

Owner: FEWS NET Hub


The current list of countries is accurate, and changes to the list are rare. The FEWS NET Hub will keep the list up to date from the ISO-published master list.


Standard: ISO 4217

Owner: FEWS NET Hub


The current list of countries is accurate, and changes to the list are rare. The FEWS NET Hub will keep the list up to date from the ISO-published master list.

Livelihood Activity

Standard: Custom taxonomy developed specifically for the HEA Database, informed by local knowledge and existing classifications where possible.

Owner: Save the Children

Editors: Save the Children

Description: Livelihood Activity records mostly contain pointers to other metadata (Season, Product, Unit Of Measure, etc.). There is no equivalent for Livelihood Strategy or Activity to the way the Wealth Group Characteristic items are used to categorize the Wealth Group Characteristic Values that are read from the ‘WB’ worksheet in the BSS.

Livelihood Activities typically use the Classified Product that is used for equivalent Market Price data in the FEWS NET Data Warehouse:

  • Livestock Sale activities use the Classified Product for the animal, e.g. L02123: Goats. If the BSS includes a designation of local or export quality animals, more specific Classified Products will be used rather than an Additional Identifier. For example, Pig sales - local: no. sold uses the Classified Product L02140HA: Swine / pigs, local quality and Vente de moutons - locale: nb  venduss uses the Classified Product L02122AP: Sheep, local quality.

  • Meat Production activities use the Classified Product for the meat product, e.g. P21116: Meat of goat, fresh or chilled.

  • Milk Production activities use the Classified Product for the raw milk, e.g. P02292: Raw milk of goats.

  • Butter Production activities use the Classified Product for the specific butter, e.g.  P22249HC: Butter and other fats and oils derived from milk of goats.

  • Crop Production activities use the Classified Product for the non-seed crop, e.g. R01122: Maize (corn), other. Green consumption is also a Crop Production activity, using specific Classified Products for the green crop, e.g. R01290HA: Green corn (maize).

Livelihood Category

Standard: Custom taxonomy developed specifically for the HEA Database, informed by local knowledge and existing classifications where possible.

Owner: Save The Children

Editors: Save The Children

Description: This metadata type categorizes the primary livelihood zone types, such as Pastoral, Rain-fed AgroPastoral, etc. It includes but is not limited to pastoral and agricultural categories. Livelihood Categories are defined based on regional economic activities and ecological characteristics.


Standard: Central Product Classification (CPC) Version 2.1


The FEWS NET Hub will create new Products on request.


Standard: Custom taxonomy developed specifically for the HEA Database, based on similar information stored in FDW.


At the moment, our ability to recognize Season 1 and Season 2 using aliases depends on there only being one set of Seasons for a Country. In places where this is not true, like Ethiopia and Nigeria, the BSS will need to be corrected (in bulk) in order to recognize the correct season. Alternatively, we can use a single global Season 1 and Season 2 which will be less effort but removes the opportunity to match the Season 1 and Season 2 income and consumption to actual dates in the reference year.

Source Organization

Standard: Centrally maintained list


Description: There are currently only two approved Source Organizations: FEWS NET and Save the Children. The FEWS NET Hub controls this metadata item because changes to it typically have implications for user accounts and permissions management.

Livelihood Category

Standard: Custom taxonomy developed specifically for the HEA Database, informed by local knowledge and existing classifications where possible.

Owner: Save The Children

Editors: Save The Children

Description: This metadata type categorizes the primary livelihood zone types, such as Pastoral, Rain-fed AgroPastoral, etc. It includes but is not limited to pastoral and agricultural categories. Livelihood Categories are defined based on regional economic activities and ecological characteristics.

Wealth Group Category

Standard: Custom taxonomy developed specifically for the HEA Database, informed by local knowledge and existing classifications where possible.


Although this is a custom taxonomy, it contains only a small number of items, and changes to the list are rare. Therefore it is appropriate for the FEWS NET Hub to control changes to the list, particularly because they may have impacts on the application code.

Wealth Group Characteristic

Standard: Custom taxonomy developed specifically for the HEA Database, informed by local knowledge and existing classifications where possible.


Trees do not use the Classified Products, because the existing hierarchy does not include trees as an obvious branch, and because the Baseline Surveys are not always specific about the types of tree owned (e.g. trees, or fruit trees). They are closer to assets like oxcarts or motorcycles than they are to products and services. Therefore, trees are separate Wealth Characteristics. Note that the fruit of the trees, e.g. Avocados or Mangoes do already have corresponding Classified Products and those Products are used in the Crop Production livelihood activities to capture income from the sale of fruit and calories from consumption of it. This makes sense because we have other CPC-coded data that we can cross-reference the fruit too, most importantly current price data.

Livelihood Activity

Standard: Custom taxonomy developed specifically for the HEA Database, informed by local knowledge and existing classifications where possible.

Owner: Save the Children

Editors: Save the Children

Description: Livelihood Activity records mostly contain pointers to other metadata (Season, Product, Unit Of Measure, etc.). There is no equivalent for Livelihood Strategy or Activity to the way the Wealth Group Characteristic items are used to categorize the Wealth Group Characteristic Values that are read from the ‘WB’ worksheet in the BSS.

Livelihood Activities typically use the Classified Product that is used for equivalent Market Price data in the FEWS NET Data Warehouse:




Meat Production activities use the Classified Product for the meat product, e.g. P21116: Meat of goat, fresh or chilled.


Milk Production activities use the Classified Product for the raw milk, e.g. P02292: Raw milk of goats.


Butter Production activities use the Classified Product for the specific butter, e.g.  P22249HC: Butter and other fats and oils derived from milk of goats.


Crop Production activities use the Classified Product for the non-seed crop, e.g. R01122: Maize (corn), other. Green consumption is also a Crop Production activity, using specific Classified Products for the green crop, e.g. R01290HA: Green corn (maize).
