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For reasons discussed below, retrieved crop statistics for Madagascar are of un-even temporal and spatial coverage. They suffer from many gaps in the time-series, frequent shifts in the reporting unit-level, and an inconsistent process for compiling, archiving and distributing them.
Crop estimate data sources
The Ministry of Agriculture and Elevage is another source of potentially important information about the history of the country’s food production, and especially the Annuaire des Statistiques Agricoles publication series, which unfortunately no longer exists. Monographies for a number of Admin 1 crop reporting units in the 2003 and 2004 period provide a consistent source of historic crop production information for the late 1990s period, but these reports were not followed up after that period. Note that this website is regularly out of service, so check back at a later time if you receive an error message when accessing it.
The defunct FAO CountryStat website was an important source for crop statistics data for the country, but that FAO initiative no longer functions.
The country’s crop statistics
For reasons discussed above, retrieved crop statistics for Madagascar are of un-even temporal and spatial coverage. They suffer from many gaps in the time-series, frequent shifts in the reporting unit-level, and an inconsistent process for compiling, archiving and distributing them.
Year and season definitions