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  • is_start: Indicates whether this label indicates the start of a new Livelihood Strategy. In the BSS these cells often have a light green background. For example Sorghum Deyr: kg produced or any other crop name followed by kg produced indicates the start of a new Activity.

  • strategy_type: the name of the Livelihood Strategy subtype, such as MilkProduction, or OtherCashIncome.

  • attribute: the standard name for this attribute that matches the name of the field in the data model for the Livelihood Activity that will store the data from this row. For example Sorghum Deyr: kg produced maps to the quantity_produced field.

  • product_name: the common name of the standard Product that this label represents, if appropriate. For example, Donkey number owned matches the L02132: Donkeys Product. 

  • unit_of_measure_id: the name of the standard Unit Of Measure that this label represents. For example, Land area cultivated (hectares) matches the ha: Hectare Unit Of Measure.

  • currency_id: the iso4217a3 code for the currency if one is specified in the label. This field is not often used.

  • season: the name or alias of the season, if one is specified in the label.

  • additional_identifier: an additional identifier required to distinguish between Livelihood Strategies. For example, there may be two Strategies for growing maize, with labels Maize rainfed: kg produced and maize irrigated: kg produced. In this case the additional identifiers will be rainfed and irrigated, the Strategy Type will be CropProduction , the Unit Of Measure will be kg: Kilogram and the product will be R01122: Maize/corn grain
