Near term projection: FEWS NET’s IPC 3.1 Acute Food Insecurity Classification near term projected outcomes; selected by default
Population: LANDSCAN estimated population ranges per square kilometer
Flood detection: 5 day VIIRS composite data for inferred moisture type and floodwater fraction
CHIRPS Anomaly 2023: CHIRPS 3-monthly anomaly data in millimeters
NDVI eVIIRS PCTM 2023: NDVI pentad percent of mean data
Wheat grain trade flow: The flow of wheat grain trade between key market centers
Sorghum grain Trade Flow: The flow of sorghum grain trade between key market centers
Millet grain Trade Flow: The flow of millet grain trade between key market centers
3. Select a
Choose a date on the timeline at the top of the map to change the Data Set Dataset displayed on the map.
4. Interact with the
a. Zoom in and out using your mouse scroll wheel, touchpad, or the zoom buttons located at the top left of the map.
b. Click a bubble to display more information (note: for bubbles covering multiple conflicts or areas of displacement, you must first zoom in until the smallest available point displays).
c. Select Migration migration flow direction (Migration Flow map view only):