All crop production data are legitimately called “estimates,” including final corrections and revisions of early estimates. There is no better category of crop data information. FDW’s objective is to capture and archive the best and hopefully final estimates.
Crop production data is extracted from seasonal and annual crop assessment reports and surveys produced by Source Organizations. The data is prepared and uploaded to FDW once or twice a year per country.
Working with templates
Most crop production estimate uploads will use an existing country-specific template with several key tabs filled out (DATA, ADMIN, CROPS, SEASONS, NOTES).
Enter CPCv2 crop codes in the column/field labeled “CPCv2” or “Crop.” These have already been defined for each crop in the FDW, and existing crop names for this country can be found in the Crop Domain metadata. CPC codes can be found in FDW under Metadata management>Common>Classified products.
Source document crop names for every crop should be retained and placed in a column to the far right of the sheet generally named “DNL_Source_Crop.”