Commodity Availability is qualitative secondary data included in the Price data domain. In addition to quantitative price data, qualitative weekly commodity availability data are gathered for each commodity at each monitored market. These data are loaded weekly.
About the
Weekly Commodity Availability Data monitors the availability of a product in a particular market to identify abundance, stability, or scarcity. Availability is measured on a scale of 0-3 where:
Note |
Important: If you regularly receive a document from a non-FEWS NET source that contains alternate column headings, do not edit the column headings every time. Instead, submit a help desk ticket so the Hub can add the headings as aliases to the system. |
weekly commodity availability data
To upload weekly commodity availability data in FDW:
Bulk data can be uploaded using the offline Data Upload functionality or the Import Market Price screens. The Hub is available to provide support for these uploads.
Importing historic commodity availability data
To upload historic data, add availability data to previously collected data, or to upload bulk new data with availability information, submit a request to the Helpdesk ( for a particular area and provide a sample file (ie; Excel sheet). The Hub will create the upload or contact concerned parties to ensure the correct data are included.
Exporting commodity availability data
Weekly Commodity availability data are extracted via the Price API and are included if they exist.