Countries: ISO 3166
Geographic Groups: These groupings of countries or regions are based on the UN M49 classifications.
Regions: These groupings of countries or regions are based on the FEWS NET regional classifications. These are similar, but not identical, to the UN M49 geographic regions and use the M49 code values between 900 and 999. Commonly used regions include:
901: West Africa
902: East Africa
903: Southern Africa
904: Latin American and the Caribbean
905: Middle East and Asia
906: International (all other countries not monitored by FEWS NET)
911: FEWS NET Presence Countries
912: FEWS NET Remote Monitoring Countries
913: Horn of Africa
914: El Salvador, Honduras, and Nicaragua
Geographic Units: Each geographic unit is assigned a unique FEWS NET ID (FNID). Learn more about how FNIDs are constructed.
Currencies: ISO 4127
Products: UN CPC v2 with FEWS NET specific extensions
All data viewable within the FDE contain the following standard metadata, in addition to metadata specific to the domain: