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Access by households/individuals to adequate resources (entitlements) for acquiring appropriate foods for a nutritious diet.



One of the four pillars of food security. A household's ability to physically, economically, and socially obtain a necessary amount of food on a regular basis by purchasing, bartering, borrowing, or receiving food aid or gifts. See also: availability.


Acute Food Insecurity

Food security at a specific moment in time, regardless of causes, context, or duration. Severity is defined by assessing the degree to which households can meet basic survival needs and maintain their normal livelihoods.


Analogue Year

A year in history that shares key characteristics with the current year and can therefore help to support assumptions about how the current year may progress. In food security analysis, analogue years are most commonly used in relation to climate and seasonal forecasts. Information about current atmospheric and oceanic conditions/patterns is used to identify similar years that may suggest likely precipitation and temperature behavior. Analogue years can also be used to look at other issues, such as market behavior and food prices.



  1. One of the four pillars of food security. The total amount of food that is present in a country or given area by means of domestic production, imports, food stocks, and food aid.

  2. Availability of sufficient quantities of food of appropriate quality, supplied through domestic production or imports (including food aid).



The quantified analysis of sources of food and income and of expenditure for households in each wealth group over a defined reference period.


Baseline Storage Sheet

A spreadsheet that enables field teams to enter, check and analyse individual interview data in the field, and to analyze and summarize field data during the interim and final data analysis sessions.


Baseline Year

A type of reference year. Usually a normal year; neither especially good nor especially bad.


Chronic Food Insecurity

Persistent or seasonal inability to consume adequate diets for a healthy and active life, mainly due to structural causes. Chronic food insecurity occurs even in normal, non-crisis years when shocks do not occur.



Contending with difficulties and acting to overcome them. In food security, we typically speak of coping capacity and coping strategies. For the purpose of scenario development, we distinguish between coping strategies that, if successful, help to mitigate acute food and income deficits (e.g., the sale of assets) and coping strategies that indicate reduced dietary quantity or quality (e.g., skipping meals).


Coping Capacity

The ability of households to diversify and expand access to various sources of food, income, and other basic needs, and thus to cope with a specific stress.


Coping Strategies

Activities to which people resort in order to obtain food, income and/or services when their normal means of livelihood have been disrupted or other shocks/hazards decrease their access to basic needs.



See International Phase Classification (IPC)
