Near Term Projection: FEWS NET’s IPC 3.1 Acute Food Insecurity Classification near term projected outcomes. This layer is selected by default.
Population: LANDSCAN estimated population ranges per square kilometer.
Flood Detection: 5 day VIIRS composite data for inferred moisture type and floodwater fraction.
CHIRPS Anomaly 2023: CHIRPS 3-monthly anomaly data in millimeters.
CHIRPS Anomaly 2015: (compares el nino in 2015 and 2023, same period of dates)
NDVI eVIIRS PCTM 2023: NDVI pentad percent of mean data. NDVI eVIIRS PCTM 2015:
Wheat grain Trade Flow: The flow of wheat grain trade between key market centers.
Sorghum grain Trade Flow: The flow sorghum grain trade between key market centers.
Millet grain Trade Flow: The flow of millet grain trade between key market centers.