Dashboards: Provides a variety of data visualization dashboards which are outlined below:
Data inventory: A visualization dashboard focused on the quantity, geographic coverage, and time ranges of all data available within the FEWS NET Data Warehouse.
Price chartsCrop Assessment: Displays field observations collected using the Open Data Kit (ODK) app during FEWS NET’s crop assessment tours.
Crop Production: A collection of charts, graphs, and other analysis tools used to analyze price data crop production for specified geographies and time frames.
Data Freshness: Provides the current status of data collections by data source document.
Crop productionData Inventory: A collection of charts, graphs, and other analysis tools used to analyze crop production for specified geographies and time frames.
Unit relationships: Provides visualizations representing the relationship between various administrative units over specified time periods.
Import dependencyvisualization dashboard focused on the quantity, geographic coverage, and time ranges of all data available within the FEWS NET Data Warehouse.
Import Dependency: A visualization dashboard used to analyze import dependence of specified products and countries, along with Human Development Index and Sustainable Development Goals indicators.
News articlesPrice Charts: A collection of charts, graphs, and other analysis tools used to analyze price data for specified geographies and time frames.
News Articles: A collection of news articles, including summaries and translations, that can be filtered and searched.Data Freshness: Provides the current status of data collections by data source document.
Crop Assessment: Displays field observations collected using the Open Data Kit (ODK) app during FEWS NET’s crop assessment tours.
Sudan Conflict Map: Visualizes conflict and migration flow data for Sudan, as well as FIC near term projected outcomes, population data, and trade flow data.
Trade Partner Dependency: Visualizes the dependence of a specified country on imports of various products or from particular countries.
Unit Relationships: Provides visualizations representing the relationship between various administrative units over specified time periods.