You can filter the available data series using one or more of the following criteria:
PeriodDates:Filters data series by the collection/reporting perioddates of all data points within the series. All data series with at least one data point collected/reported after the start date and before the end date will be returned.
Start date: Returns all data series starting on or before containing at least one data point collected/reported after this date.
End date: Returns all data series ending on or after containing at least one data point collected/reported before this date.
Geographic: Filters by location of the nutrition data. This filter aggregates items into a multi-level lists (e.g., admin 1 units are aggregated into countries, which are aggregated into regions). Selecting the higher-level item in the list will automatically select all the lower-level items in the list.
Indicator: Filers by a metric of interest and allows for meaningful comparisons over time. The indicator options for the nutrition domain include options such as Anemia among pregnant women % and Crude Mortality Rate.
Data Source Document: Filters by the name of the document used as the primary source of information or data.