The following list of new features, updates and bug fixes are included in the latest Sprint 22.06 release to FDW/FDE.

New Features

New features in the News Articles Dashboard

  • Users can now filter articles by source country, tags, and publication date. Tags and source country are both assigned to a news source, rather than individual articles, by adding or editing a source in the FDW under Metadata management > News articles > Sources. See the help text for additional details on using the filters and adding countries and tags to sources.

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  • This feature includes the following Jira issues:

    • Add country filters and general tagging for News Aggregator app (DATA-1551)

    • Add search by source country and tags to the News Aggregator dashboard (DATA-1573)

    • Make News Article Dashboard filterable by date (DATA-1604)


Comprehensive Metadata Updates


  • FDW users with the appropriate permissions are now able to bulk upload price ratios. This functionality can be accessed using the path below:


Bug Fixes

Filtering either by Geographic or Market Filters of the exchange rate data of the country Haiti results in all of the exchange rate data of all the countries (DATA-1390)
