This enhancement is about renaming all the spatial layers of the FDW from Swaziland
i.e (https://fdw.fews.net/en/admin/spatial/feature/?q=Eswatini).
This feature is about incorporating the parameter
in the exchange rate extract i.e (https://fdw.fews.net/api/exchangeratevaluefacts/?format=html&subtype=ExchangeRateValue&fields=simple).
Create specific viewsets for Secondary Price Indexes https://fewsnet.atlassian.net/browse/DATA-1020
This feature is about making the exchange rate indicator a read only field and implementing validation when a user enters a new exchange rate data i.e (https://fdw.fews.net/en/admin/price/exchangerate/add/).
Single Sign-on for Superset https://fewsnet.atlassian.net/browse/DATA-1024
This feature is about adding the field username to the notification email which notifies Published or Under Review data collections.
Support a mixture of fields_shortcuts and individual fields in DataPointSerializer subclasses https://fewsnet.atlassian.net/browse/DATA-1037
In the data collection screen i.e (https://fdw.fews.net/en/admin/warehouse/datacollection/) , the check box for selecting all the data was missing and this was resolved.
Allow multiple datasource documents for trade dataseries https://fewsnet.atlassian.net/browse/DATA-1042