The following list of new features, tasks, and resolved bugs are included in the latest Sprint 21.04 release to FDW/FDE:
The prototype for replacing the existing
with a newMarketPriceResource
that offers flexibility for recognizing data Prototype of replacement MarketPriceResource - https://fewsnet.atlassian.net/browse/DATA-742
Vector Tile Renderer for DataPointViewSet subclasses - https://fewsnet.atlassian.net/browse/DATA-772
Update the urls and related viewsets to allow us to call the maps and shapefiles using url parameters rather than query parameters https://fewsnet.atlassian.net/browse/DATA-780
Market Price ingestion pipeline from Magpi to FDW https://fewsnet.atlassian.net/browse/DATA-795
Custom country filters for Trade domain https://fewsnet.atlassian.net/browse/DATA-857
Adding new phase description in the FDW https://fewsnet.atlassian.net/browse/DATA-860
Add availability_description as textual column in API output https://fewsnet.atlassian.net/browse/DATA-868
New data sources or viz in support of Country Case Study - https://fewsnet.atlassian.net/browse/DATA-871
Prototype: Reusable CHIRPS, NDVI, WRSI maps and charts https://fewsnet.atlassian.net/browse/DATA-872
Enhancements to Reusable visualizations https://fewsnet.atlassian.net/browse/DATA-880
Parameter Form Enhancements or Reusable Visualizations https://fewsnet.atlassian.net/browse/DATA-881
Update FDE Endpoint for Exchange Rate Values https://fewsnet.atlassian.net/browse/DATA-898
Improve ad-hoc shapefile calibration validation and help text - https://fewsnet.atlassian.net/browse/DATA-899
Disable zero value for Market Price https://fewsnet.atlassian.net/browse/DATA-908
Add Geographic_unit field to PriceIndex resource https://fewsnet.atlassian.net/browse/DATA-909
Add pct_change_from_one_year_ago to Exchange Rate Value Facts and Secondary Price Index extracts https://fewsnet.atlassian.net/browse/DATA-910
This feature is a prototype for replacing the existing
with a newMarketPriceResource
that offers flexibility for recognizing data. In subsequent Sprints we can add new functionality as required to resolve the other tickets. Eventually we can deprecate LegacyMarketPriceResource (the previous version of this MarketPriceResources).
Vector Tile Renderer for DataPointViewSet subclasses - https://fewsnet.atlassian.net/browse/DATA-772
API endpoints have been enhanced to allow the calling of maps and shapefiles using the URL parameters in addition to the query parameters, which make it clearer for the user what they are accessing, for instance;https://fdw.fews.net/ipcmap/region/902/ML1/2020-02-01 ,
https://fdw.fews.net/ipcpngmap/region/902/ML1/2020-02-01 ,
This was a prototype evaluation to determine if and to what degree MagPi could integrate with FDW. The evaluation was focused on Market Price data ingestion from Haiti, and it was successful. More work on this feature is forthcoming.
Custom country filters for Trade domain - https://fewsnet.atlassian.net/browse/DATA-857
This feature consisted of developing a web-based visualization prototype based on IMF IFS data, and it was made successfully and presented to the Early Warning Team.
Prototype: Reusable CHIRPS, NDVI, WRSI maps and charts https://fewsnet.atlassian.net/browse/DATA-872
This enhancement is about developing a prototype for reusable CHIRPS, NDVI, WRSI maps and charts, for illustrating potential new visualization capabilities.
Enhancements to Reusable visualizations https://fewsnet.atlassian.net/browse/DATA-880
This ticket included a number of small feature additions and bug fixes to the web-based reusable visualization prototypeprototypes mentioned.
Parameter Form Enhancements for Reusable Visualizations https://fewsnet.atlassian.net/browse/DATA-881
This included a number of feature additions to the parameter form for the reusable visualization prototype, such as:
Visual indication of mandatory parameters,
Remove border from individual parameters,
Make get_parameters and get_parameter _ form a classmethodclass method,
Generate clean urls for the refreshable link,
use Use
in the refreshable link for consistency with the API.,Support the use of
in the refreshable URLs.
This enhancement is about adding a validation error message, i.e
Market Price Datapoints cannot have a 0 (Zero) value
, for when adding or uploading price data with a zero values.
Add pct_change_from_one_year_ago to Exchange Rate Value Facts and Secondary Price Index extracts https://fewsnet.atlassian.net/browse/DATA-910
The To provide additional analytical capability, the API endpoints (i.e , /api/exchangeratefacts and api/datapointfacts) has been enhanced to include pct_change_from_one_year_ago in the extracts for the Exchange Rate Value Facts field and a custom Price Index Facts; (i,e https://fdw.fews.net/api/exchangeratevaluefacts/?format=html&dataseries=3068019&dataseries=3068017&fields=simple and https://fdw.fews.net/api/datapointfacts/?format=html&dataseries=5404600).
There was a problem in recognizing the uploaded data values if the user uses the buttons
Save and continue editing
andSave and add another
of the data collection screen (i.e ( https://fdw.fews.net/en/admin/warehouse/datacollection/add/) & and this was resolved and it is working as expected for all the data domains.
UserViewSet should have custom permissions https://fewsnet.atlassian.net/browse/DATA-855
There was an issue in using with access to the API i.e (, https://fdw.fews.net/api/user/), all where the list of all fdw users were shown without logging into the system and this was resolved.
There was a problem in searching of the classified products with
and this was resolved.
“Docs” Button Missing from FDE https://fewsnet.atlassian.net/browse/DATA-921
There was an issue of accessing the Mayan system due to the missing of the
from on the FDE end point & and this was resolved. The button is returned and the functionality is working as expected.